Hello eBPF: Write your eBPF application in Pure Java (12)

Welcome back to my series on ebpf. In the last post, I told you about BTF and generating Java classes for all BPF types. This week, we’re using these classes to write a simple packet blocker in pure Java. This is the culmination of my efforts that started in my post Hello eBPF: Generating C Code (8), to reduce the amount of C code that you have to write to create your eBPF application.

This blog post took again longer than expected, but you’ll soon see why. And I dropped libbcc support along the way.

After my last blog post, you still had to write the eBPF methods in a String embedded in the Java application. So if you wanted to write a simple XDP-based packet blocker that blocks every third incoming packet, you wrote the actual XDP logic into a String-typed field named EBPF_PROGRAM. But we already can define the data types and global variables in Java, generating C code automatically. Can we do the same for the remaining C code? We can now. Introducing the new Java compiler plugin, that allows to you write the above in “pure” Java, using Java as a DSL for C (GitHub):

@BPF(license = "GPL") // define a license
public abstract class XDPDropEveryThirdPacket 
  extends BPFProgram implements XDPHook {
    // declare the global variable
    final GlobalVariable<@Unsigned Integer> count = 
        new GlobalVariable<>(0);

    public boolean shouldDrop() {
        return count.get() % 3 == 1;

    @Override // defined in XDPHook, compiled to C
    public xdp_action xdpHandlePacket(Ptr<xdp_md> ctx) {
        // update count
        count.set(count.get() + 1);
        // drop based on count
        return shouldDrop() ? xdp_action.XDP_DROP : xdp_action.XDP_PASS;

    public static void main(String[] args) 
      throws InterruptedException {
        try (XDPDropEveryThirdPacket program = 
             BPFProgram.load(XDPDropEveryThirdPacket.class)) {
            while (true) {
                System.out.println("Packet count " + 
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Hello eBPF: BPF Type Format and 13 Thousand Generated Java Classes (11)

Welcome back to my series on ebpf. In the last post, we learned how to use global variables to communicate easily between user and kernel land. In this post, you’ll learn about the BPF Type Format (BTF) and how and why we generate Java code from it.

We start with the simple question of what is BTF:

VMLinux Header

In all BPF programs that we’ve written in this blog series, we included a specific header:

#include "vmlinux.h"

This header contains all of the fundamental types and definitions we need when writing our BPF programs. It contains simple definitions like the integer types used in many of the examples:

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