Taming the Bias: Unbiased Safepoint-Based Stack Walking

Walking only at safepoints has advantages: The main one is that you aren’t walking the stack in a signal handler but synchronously to the executed program. Therefore you can allocate memory, acquire locks and rematerialize virtual thread / Loom frames. The latter is significant because virtual threads are the new Java feature that cannot support using signal-handler-based APIs like AsyncGetCallTrace.

This blog post is based on the ideas of Erik Österlund, and the second one is related to these new ideas. The first one is AsyncGetCallTrace Reworked: Frame by Frame with an Iterative Touch!, which you should read before continuing with this post. For a refresher on safepoints, please read The Inner Workings of Safepoints.

Erik summed up the problems with my previous JEP proposal, and in a way with AsyncGetCallTrace, quite nicely:

Well the current proposal doesn’t have a clear story for
1) Making it safe
2) Working with virtual threads
3) Supporting incremental stack scanning
4) Supporting concurrent stack scanning

He proposed that walking Java threads only at safepoints while obtaining some information in the signal handler might do the trick. So I got to work, implementing an API that does just this.


The current interaction between a sampler of the profiler and the Java Threads looks like the following:

The sampler thread signals every Java thread using POSIX signals and then obtains the full trace directly in the signal handler while the thread is paused at an arbitrary location. I explored variations of this approach in my post Couldn’t we just Use AsyncGetCallTrace in a Separate Thread?

My new approach, on the contrary, walks the Java thread in a signal handler till we find the first bytecode-backed Java frame, stores this in the thread-local queue, triggers a safepoint, and then walks the full Java stack at these safepoints for all enqueued top-frames. We, therefore, have a two-step process:

Instead of just walking the stack in the signal handler:

The new API exploits a few implementation details of the OpenJDK:

  1. There is a safepoint check at least at the end of every non-inlined method (and sometimes there is not, but this is a bug, see The Inner Workings of Safepoints). OpenJ9 doesn’t have checks at returns, so the whole approach I am proposing doesn’t work for them.
  2. When we are at the return of a non-inlined method, we have enough information to obtain all relevant information of the top inlined and the first non-inlined frame using only the program counter, stack pointer, frame pointer, and bytecode pointer obtained in the signal handler. We focus on the first non-inlined method/frame, as inlined methods don’t have physical frames, and walking them would result in walking using Java internal information, which we explicitly want to avoid.

Proposed API

This API builds upon the API defined in jmethodIDs in Profiling: A Tale of Nightmares and the iterator API defined in AsyncGetCallTrace Reworked: Frame by Frame with an Iterative Touch!

But, in contrast to the other parts of the API, this new safepoint-based part only works when the previously defined conditions hold. This is not the case in OpenJ9, so I propose making the new feature optional. But how do profilers know whether an implementation supports an optional part of the API? By using the ASGST_Capabilities:

// Implementations don't have to implement all methods,
// only the iterator related and those that match 
// their capabilities
enum ASGST_Capabilities {
  ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE = 1, // everything safepoint queue related
  ASGST_MARK_FRAME     = 2  // frame marking related

Profilers can query the capability bit map by calling the int ASGST_Capabilities() and should use the signal handler-based approach whenever the capability bit ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE is absent. ASGST_MARK_FRAME foreshadows a new feature based on stack watermarks, see JEP 376, which I cover in a follow-up blog post. Calling an unsupported API method is undefined.

Now back to the actual API itself. The main two methods of the proposed API are ASGST_RegisterQueue and ASGST_Enqueue. You typically first register a queue for the current thread using ASGST_RegisterQueue, typically in a ThreadStart JVMTI event handler:

typedef void (*ASGST_Handler)(ASGST_Iterator*,
                              void* queue_arg,
                              void* arg);

// Register a queue to the current thread 
// (or the one passed via env)
// @param fun handler called at a safe point with iterators,
//   the argument for RegisterQueue and the argument 
//   passed via Enqueue
// The handler can only call safe point safe methods, 
// which excludes all JVMTI methods, but the handler 
// is not called inside a signal handler, so allocating 
// or obtaining locks is possible
// Not signal safe, requires ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE capability
ASGST_Queue* ASGST_RegisterQueue(JNIEnv* env, int size, 
  int options, ASGST_Handler fun, void* argument);

A queue has a fixed size and has a registered handler, which is called for every queue item in insertion order at every safepoint, after which the queue elements are removed. Be aware that you cannot obtain the top frames using the queue handler and cannot call any JVMTI methods, but also that you aren’t bound to signal safe methods in the handler.

The ASGST_Enqueue method obtains and enqueues the top frame into the passed queue, as well as triggering a thread-local handshake/safepoint:

// Enqueue the processing of the current stack 
// at the end of the queue and return the kind 
// (or error if <= 0)
// you have to deal with the top C and native frames 
// yourself (but there is an option for this)
// @param argument argument passed through 
//   to the ASGST_Handler for the queue as the third argument
// @return kind or error, 
//   returns ASGST_ENQUEUE_FULL_QUEUE if queue is full
//   or ASGST_ENQUEUE_NO_QUEUE if queue is null
// Signal safe, but has to be called with a queue 
// that belongs to the current thread, or the thread
// has to be stopped during the duration of this call
// Requires ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE capability
int ASGST_Enqueue(ASGST_Queue* queue, void* ucontext, 
  void* argument);

The passed argument is passed directly to the last parameter of the queue handler. Be aware of handling the case that the queue is full. Typically one falls back onto walking the stack in the signal handler or compressing the queue. The elements of a queue, including the arguments, can be obtained using the ASGST_GetQueueElement method:

// Returns the nth element in the queue (from the front),
// 0 gives you the first/oldest element.
// -1 gives you the youngest element, ..., -size the oldest.
// Modification of the returned element are allowed, 
// as long as the queue's size has not been modified 
// between the call to ASGST_GetQueueElement and the 
// modification (e.g. by calling ASGST_ResizeQueue).
// Modifiying anything besides the arg field
// is highly discouraged.
// @returns null if n is out of bounds
// Signal safe
ASGST_QueueElement* ASGST_GetQueueElement(ASGST_Queue* queue, 
  int n);

The critical detail is that modifying the arg field is supported; this allows us to do queue compression: In the signal handler, we obtain the last element in the queue using the ASGST_GetQueueElement method and then get the currently enqueuable element using ASGST_GetEnqueuableElement. We can then check whether both elements are equal and then update the argument, omitting to enqueue the current ucontext.

Another helper method is ASGST_ResizeQueue which can be used to set the queue size:

// Trigger the resizing of the queue at end of the next safepoint
// (or the current if currently processing one)
// Signal safe, but has to be called with a queue 
// that belongs to the current thread
// Requires ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE capability
void ASGST_ResizeQueue(ASGST_Queue* queue, int size);

The current queue size and more can be obtained using ASGST_QueueSizeInfo:

typedef struct {
  jint size; // size of the queue
  jint capacity; // capacity of the queue
  jint attempts; // attempts to enqueue since last safepoint end
} ASGST_QueueSizeInfo;

// Returns the number of elements in the queue, its capacity,
// and the number of attempts since finishing the previous 
// safepoint
// Signal safe, but only proper values in queues thread
ASGST_QueueSizeInfo ASGST_GetQueueSizeInfo(ASGST_Queue* queue);

This returns the defined size/capacity, the current number of elements, and the number of enqueue attempts, including unsuccessful ones. This can be used in combination with ASGST_ResizeQueue to dynamically adjust the size of these queues.

One might want to remove a queue from a thread; this can be done using the non-signal safe method ASGST_DeregisterQueue.

Lastly, one might want to be triggered before and after a non-empty queue is processed:

// Handler that is called at a safe point with enqueued samples
// before and after processing
// called with the queue, a frame iterator, and the OnQueue 
// argument frame iterator is null if offerIterator at handler 
// registration was false
typedef void (*ASGST_OnQueueSafepointHandler)(ASGST_Queue*, 

// Set the handler that is called at a safe point before 
// the elements in the (non-empty) queue are processed.
// @param before handler or null to remove the handler
// Not signal safe, requires ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE capability
void ASGST_SetOnQueueProcessingStart(ASGST_Queue* queue, 
  int options, bool offerIterator, 
  ASGST_OnQueueSafepointHandler before, void* arg);

// Set the handler that is called at a safe point after 
// the elements in the (non-empty) queue are processed.
// @param after handler or null to remove the handler
// Not signal safe, requires ASGST_REGISTER_QUEUE capability
void ASGST_SetOnQueueProcessingEnd(ASGST_Queue* queue,
  int options, bool offerIterator, 
  ASGST_OnQueueSafepointHandler end, void* arg);

This should enable performance optimizations, enabling the profiler to walk the whole stack, e.g., only once per queue processing safepoint.

This is the whole API that can be found in my OpenJDK fork with the profile2.h header. The current implementation is, of course, a prototype; there are, e.g., known inaccuracies with native (C to Java) frames on which I’m currently working.

But how can we use this API? I use the same profiler from the AsyncGetCallTrace Reworked: Frame by Frame with an Iterative Touch! blog post to demonstrate using the new API.

Implementing a Small Profiler

The best thing: The code gets more straightforward and uses locks to handle concurrency. Writing code that runs at safepoints is far easier than code in signal handlers; the new API moves complexity from the profiler into the JVM.

But first, you have to build and use my modified OpenJDK as before. This JDK has been tested on x86 and aarch64. The profiler API implementation is still a prototype and contains known errors, but it works well enough to build a small profiler. Feel free to review the code; I’m open to help, suggestions, or sample programs and tests.

To use this new API, you have to include the profile2.h header file, there might be some linker issues on Mac OS, so add -L$JAVA_HOME/lib/server -ljvm to your compiler options.

Now to the significant changes to the version that walks the stack in the signal handler written for the previous blog post. First, we have to register a queue into every thread; we do this in the ThreadStart JVMTI event handler and store the result in a thread-local queue variable:

thread_local ASGST_Queue* queue;
// ...
OnThreadStart(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
            JNIEnv* jni_env,
            jthread thread) {
  // the queue is large, but aren't doing any  compression, 
  // so we need it
  queue = ASGST_RegisterQueue(jni_env, 10'000, 0, &asgstHandler, 
  // ...

We then have to enqueue the last Java frames into the queue in the signal handler:

static void signalHandler(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, 
 void* ucontext) {
  // queue has not been initialized
  if (queue == nullptr) {
  int res = ASGST_Enqueue(queue, ucontext, (void*)nullptr);
  if (res != 1) { // not Java trace
    if (res == ASGST_ENQUEUE_FULL_QUEUE) {
      // we could do some compression here
      // but not in this example

We record the total traces, the failed traces, and the number of times the queue had been full. The enqueued frames are processed using the asgstHandler method at every safepoint. This method obtains the current trace and stores it directly in the flame graph, acquiring the lock to prevent data races:

// we can acquire locks during safepoints
std::mutex nodeLock;
Node node{"main"};

void asgstHandler(ASGST_Iterator* iterator, void* queueArg, 
 void* arg) {
  std::vector<std::string> names;
  ASGST_Frame frame;
  int count;
  for (count = 0; ASGST_NextFrame(iterator, &frame) == 1 &&
         count < MAX_DEPTH; count++) {
  // lets use locks to deal with the concurrency
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{nodeLock};

That’s all. I might write a blog post on compression in the future, as the queues tend to fill up in wall-clock mode for threads that wait in native.

You can find the complete code on GitHub; feel free to ask any yet unanswered questions. To use the profiler, just run it from the command line as before:

java -agentpath:libSmallProfiler.so=output=flames.html \
  -cp samples math.MathParser

This assumes that you use the modified OpenJDK. MathParser is a demo program that generates and evaluates simple mathematical expressions. The resulting flame graph should look something like this:


The new API can be used to write profilers easier and walk stacks in a safe yet flexible manner. A prototypical implementation of the API showed accuracy comparable to AsyncGetCallTrace when we ignore the native frames. Using the queues offers ample opportunities for profile compression and incremental stack walking, only walking the new stacks for every queue element.

I want to come back to the quote from Erik that I wrote in the beginning, answering his concerns one by one:

Well the current proposal doesn’t have a clear story for
1) Making it safe
2) Working with virtual threads
3) Supporting incremental stack scanning
4) Supporting concurrent stack scanning

  1. Walking at Java frames at safepoints out of signal handlers makes the stack walking safer, and using improved method ids helps with the post-processing.
  2. Walking only at safepoints should make walking virtual threads possible; it is yet to be decided how to expose virtual threads in the API. But the current API is flexible enough to accommodate it.
  3. and 4. Stack watermarks allow profilers to implement incremental and concurrent stack walking, which should improve performance and offer the ability to compress stack traces—more on this in a future blog post.

Thank you for joining me on my API journey; I’m open to any suggestions; please reach me using the typical channels.

Just keep in mind:

This project is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone. Thanks to Erik Österlund for the basic idea, and to Jaroslav Bachorik for all the feedback and help on the JEP.

AsyncGetCallTrace Reworked: Frame by Frame with an Iterative Touch!

AsyncGetCallTrace is an API to obtain the top n Java frames of a thread asynchronously in a signal handler. This API is widely used but has its problems; see JEP 435 and my various blog posts (AsyncGetStackTrace: A better Stack Trace API for the JVM, jmethodIDs in Profiling: A Tale of Nightmares, …). My original approach with my JEP proposal was to build a replacement of the API, which could be used as a drop-in for AsyncGetCallTrace: Still a single method that populates a preallocated frame list:

No doubt this solves a few of the problems, the new API would be officially supported, return more information, and could return the program counter for C/C++ frames. But it eventually felt more like a band-aid, hindered by trying to mimic AsyncGetCallTrace. In recent months, I had a few discussions with Erik Österlund and Jaroslav Bachorik in which we concluded that what we really need is a completely redesigned profiling API that isn’t just an AsyncGetCallTrace v2.

The new API should be more flexible, safer, and future-proof than the current version. It should, if possible, allow incremental stack scanning and support virtual threads. So I got to work redesigning and, more crucially, rethinking the profiling API inspired by Erik Österlunds ideas.

This blog post is the first of two blog posts covering the draft of a new iterator-based stack walking API, which builds the base for the follow-up blog post on safepoint-based profiling. The following blog post will come out on Wednesday as a special for the OpenJDK Committers’ Workshop.


AsyncGetCallTrace fills a preallocated list of frames, which has the most profound expected stack trace length, and many profilers just store away this list. This limits the amount the data we can give for each frame. We don’t have this problem with an iterator-based API, where we first create an iterator for the current stack and then walk from frame to frame:

The API can offer all the valuable information the JVM has, and the profiler developer can pick the relevant information. This API is, therefore, much more flexible; it allows the profiler writer to …

  • … walk at frames without a limit
  • … obtain program counter, stack pointer, and frame pointer to use their stack walking code for C/C++ frames between Java frames
  • … use their compression scheme for the data
  • don’t worry about allocating too much data on the stack because the API doesn’t force you to preallocate a large number of frames

This API can be used to develop your version of AsyncGetCallTrace, allowing seamless integration into existing applications.

Using the API in a signal handler and writing it using C declarations imposes some constraints, which result in a slightly more complex API which I cover in the following section.

Proposed API

When running in a signal handler, a significant constraint is that we have to allocate everything on the stack. This includes the iterator. The problem is that we don’t want to specify the size of the iterator in the API because this iterator is based on an internal stack walker and is subject to change. Therefore, we have to allocate the iterator on the stack inside an API method, but this iterator is only valid in the method’s scope. This is the reason for the ASGST_RunWithIterator which creates an iterator and passes it to a handler:

// Create an iterator and pass it to fun alongside 
// the passed argument.
// @param options ASGST_INCLUDE_NON_JAVA_FRAMES, ...
// @return error or kind
int ASGST_RunWithIterator(void* ucontext, 
    int32_t options, 
    ASGST_IteratorHandler fun, 
    void* argument);

The iterator handler is a pointer to a method in which the ASGST_RunWithIterator calls with an iterator and the argument. Yes, this could be nicer in C++, which lambdas and more, but we are constrained to a C API. It’s easy to develop a helper library in C++ that offers zero-cost abstractions, but this is out-of-scope for the initial proposal.

Now to the iterator itself. The main method is ASGST_NextFrame:

// Obtains the next frame from the iterator
// @returns 1 if successful, else error code (< 0) / end (0)
// @see ASGST_State
// Typically used in a loop like:
// ASGST_Frame frame;
// while (ASGST_NextFrame(iterator, &frame) == 1) {
//   // do something with the frame
// }
int ASGST_NextFrame(ASGST_Iterator* iterator, ASGST_Frame* frame);

The frame data structure, as explained in the previous section, contains all required information and is far simpler than the previous proposal (without any union):

enum ASGST_FrameTypeId {
  ASGST_FRAME_JAVA         = 1, // JIT compiled and interpreted
  ASGST_FRAME_JAVA_INLINED = 2, // inlined JIT compiled
  ASGST_FRAME_JAVA_NATIVE  = 3, // native wrapper to call 
                                // C/C++ methods from Java
  ASGST_FRAME_NON_JAVA     = 4  // C/C++/... frames

typedef struct {
  uint8_t type;         // frame type
  int comp_level;       // compilation level, 0 is interpreted, 
                        // -1 is undefined, > 1 is JIT compiled
  int bci;              // -1 if the bci is not available 
                        // (like in native frames)
  ASGST_Method method;  // method or nullptr if not available
  void *pc;             // current program counter 
                        // inside this frame
  void *sp;             // current stack pointer 
                        // inside this frame, might be null
  void *fp;             // current frame pointer 
                        // inside this frame, might be null
} ASGST_Frame;

This uses ASGST_Method instead of jmethodID, see jmethodIDs in Profiling: A Tale of Nightmares for more information.

The error codes used both by ASGST_RunWithIterator and ASGST_NextFrame are defined as:

enum ASGST_Error {
  ASGST_NO_FRAME            =  0, // come to and end
  ASGST_NO_THREAD           = -1, // thread is not here
  ASGST_THREAD_EXIT         = -2, // dying thread
  ASGST_UNSAFE_STATE        = -3, // thread is in unsafe state
  ASGST_NO_TOP_JAVA_FRAME   = -4, // no top java frame
  ASGST_ENQUEUE_NO_QUEUE    = -5, // no queue registered
  ASGST_ENQUEUE_FULL_QUEUE  = -6, // safepoint queue is full
  ASGST_ENQUEUE_OTHER_ERROR = -7, // other error, 
                                  // like currently at safepoint
  // everything lower than -16 is implementation specific

ASGST_ENQUEUE_NO_QUEUE and ASGST_ENQUEUE_FULL_QUEUE are not relevant yet, but their importance will be evident in my next blog post.

This API wouldn’t be complete without a few helper methods. We might want to start from an arbitrary frame; for example, we use a custom stack walker for the top C/C++ frames:

// Similar to RunWithIterator, but starting from 
// a frame (sp, fp, pc) instead of a ucontext.
int ASGST_RunWithIteratorFromFrame(void* sp, void* fp, void* pc, 
  int options, ASGST_IteratorHandler fun, void* argument);

The ability to rewind an iterator is helpful too:

// Rewind an interator to the top most frame
void ASGST_RewindIterator(ASGST_Iterator* iterator);

And just in case you want to get the state of the current iterator or thread, there are two methods for you:

// State of the iterator, corresponding 
// to the next frame return code
// @returns error code or 1 if no error
// if iterator is null or at end, return ASGST_NO_FRAME,
// returns a value < -16 if the implementation encountered 
// a specific error
int ASGST_State(ASGST_Iterator* iterator);

// Returns state of the current thread, which is a subset
// of the JVMTI thread state.
int ASGST_ThreadState();

But how can we use this API? I developed a small profiler in my writing, a profiler from scratch series, which we can now use to demonstrate using the methods defined before. Based on my Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java blog post, I added a flame graph implementation. In the meantime, you can also find the base implementation on GitHub.

Implementing a Small Profiler

First of all, you have to build and use my modified OpenJDK. This JDK has been tested on x86 and aarch64. The profiler API implementation is still a prototype and contains known errors, but it works well enough to build a small profiler. Feel free to review the code; I’m open to help, suggestions, or sample programs and tests.

To use this new API, you have to include the profile2.h header file, there might be some linker issues on Mac OS, so add -L$JAVA_HOME/lib/server -ljvm to your compiler options.

One of the essential parts of this new API is that, as it doesn’t use jmethodID, we don’t have to pre-touch every method (learn more on this in jmethodIDs in Profiling: A Tale of Nightmares). Therefore we don’t need to listen to ClassLoad JVMTI events or iterate over all existing classes at the beginning. So the reasonably complex code

static void JNICALL OnVMInit(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, 
 JNIEnv *jni_env, jthread thread) {
  jint class_count = 0;
  env = jni_env;
  sigaddset(&prof_signal_mask, SIGPROF);
  OnThreadStart(jvmti, jni_env, thread);
  // Get any previously loaded classes 
  // that won't have gone through the
  // OnClassPrepare callback to prime 
  // the jmethods for AsyncGetCallTrace.
  JvmtiDeallocator<jclass> classes;
    "Loading classes failed")

  // Prime any class already loaded and 
  // try to get the jmethodIDs set up.
  jclass *classList = classes.get();
  for (int i = 0; i < class_count; ++i) {


is reduced to just

static void JNICALL OnVMInit(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni_env, 
 jthread thread) {
  sigaddset(&prof_signal_mask, SIGPROF);
  OnThreadStart(jvmti, jni_env, thread);

improving the start-up/attach performance of the profiler along the way. To get from the new ASGST_Method identifiers to the method name we need for the flame graph, we don’t use the JVMTI methods but ASGST methods:

static std::string methodToString(ASGST_Method method) {
  // assuming we only care about the first 99 chars
  // of method names, signatures and class names
  // allocate all character array on the stack
  char method_name[100];
  char signature[100];
  char class_name[100];
  // setup the method info
  ASGST_MethodInfo info;
  info.method_name = (char*)method_name;
  info.method_name_length = 100;
  info.signature = (char*)signature;
  info.signature_length = 100;
  // we ignore the generic signature
  info.generic_signature = nullptr;
  // obtain the information
  ASGST_GetMethodInfo(method, &info);
  // setup the class info
  ASGST_ClassInfo class_info;
  class_info.class_name = (char*)class_name;
  class_info.class_name_length = 100;
  // we ignore the generic class name
  class_info.generic_class_name = nullptr;
  // obtain the information
  ASGST_GetClassInfo(info.klass, &class_info);
  // combine all
  return std::string(class_info.class_name) + "." + 
    std::string(info.method_name) + std::string(info.signature);

This method is then used in the profiling loop after obtaining the traces for all threads. But of course, by then, the ways may be unloaded. This is rare but something to consider as it may cause segmentation faults. Due to this, and for performance reasons, we could register class unload handlers and obtain the method names for the methods of unloaded classes therein, as well as obtain the names of all still loaded used ASGST_Methods when the agent is unattached (or the JVM exits). This will be a topic for another blog post.

Another significant difference between the new API to the old API is that it misses a pre-defined trace data structure. So the profiler requires its own:

struct CallTrace {
  std::array<ASGST_Frame, MAX_DEPTH> frames;
  int num_frames;

  std::vector<std::string> to_strings() const {
    std::vector<std::string> strings;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
    return strings;

We still use the pre-defined frame data structure in this example for brevity, but the profiler could customize this too. This allows the profiler only to store the relevant information.

We fill the related global_traces entries in the signal handler. Previously we just called:

static void signalHandler(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, 
 void* ucontext) {
    MAX_DEPTH, ucontext);

But now we have to use the ASGST_RunWithIterator with a callback. So we define the callback first:

void storeTrace(ASGST_Iterator* iterator, void* arg) {
  CallTrace *trace = (CallTrace*)arg;
  ASGST_Frame frame;
  int count;
  for (count = 0; ASGST_NextFrame(iterator, &frame) == 1 && 
         count < MAX_DEPTH; count++) {
    trace->frames[count] = frame;  
  trace->num_frames = count;

We use the argument pass-through from ASGST_RunWithIterator to the callback to pass the CallTrace instance where we want to store the traces. We then walk the trace using the ASGST_NextFrame method and iterate till the maximum count is reached, or the trace is finished.

ASGST_RunWithIterator itself is called in the signal handler:

static void signalHandler(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, 
 void* ucontext) {
  CallTrace &trace = global_traces[available_trace++];
  int ret = ASGST_RunWithIterator(ucontext, 0, 
              &storeTrace, &trace);
  if (ret >= 2) { // non Java trace
    ret = 0;
  if (ret <= 0) { // error
    trace.num_frames = ret;

You can find the complete code on GitHub; feel free to ask any yet unanswered questions. To use the profiler, just run it from the command line:

java -agentpath:libSmallProfiler.so=output=flames.html \
  -cp samples math.MathParser

This assumes that you use the modified OpenJDK. MathParser is a demo program that generates and evaluates simple mathematical expressions. I wrote this for a compiler lab while I was still a student. The resulting flame graph should look something like this:


Using an iterator-based profiling API in combination with better method ids offers flexibility, performance, and safety for profiler writers. The new API is better than the old one, but it becomes even better. Get ready for the next blog post in which I tell you about safepoints and why it matters that there is a safepoint-check before unwinding any physical frame, which is the reason why I found a bug in The Inner Workings of Safepoints. So it will all come together.

Thank you for coming this far; I hope you enjoyed this blog post, and I’m open to any suggestions on my profiling API proposal.

This project is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone.