Between 31st May and 14th June, I was on tour, giving seven talks in 4 cities in 3 different countries:
- 31st May: JUG Milano
- 5th June: OpenValue Munich Meetup
- 7th June: JDriven Full Stack Conference in Nieuwegein
- 10th and 11th of June: Gulasch Programmier Nacht Karlsruhe
- 14th of June: Karlsruher Entwicklertag

It was an exciting trip, and I had the pleasure of visiting friends in Zurich and Augsburg and a grain mill shop in Munich.
Sadly there are only recordings of two of my seven talks, but all talks were excellent:
JUG Milano: Your Java Application Is Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers
I gave my updated QCon talk in Milan on 31st May:
This is related to my InfoQ article Unleash the Power of Open Source Java Profilers: Comparing VisualVM, JMC, and async-profile. I had a lot of fun giving the talk, and I hope the audience liked it.
Being in Milan for the first time was fantastic. I was able to stay with Mario Fusco for a few days to enjoy the beauty of Gorgonzola, the suburb of Milan where he lives, and also visit the famous Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci:

OpenValue Munich Meetup: Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java
I then went on to give a talk at the OpenValue Munich Meetup, based on the previous talk and my Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java article:

But before this, I stayed with friends in Augsburg and Zurich:

JDriven Full Stack Conference
I gave a similar talk, only with a little more information on why you shouldn’t trust profilers (see), in Nieuwegein:

This concluded my three talks outside of Karlsruhe.
Gulasch Programmier Nacht Karlsruhe
After coming home, I gave two talks at the GPN, one based on the article Do you trust profilers? I once did, too, and one based on the two articles Instrumenting Java Code to Find and Handle Unused Classes and Class Loader Hierarchies. The former talk is recorded:
Karlsruher Entwicklertag
My last two talks in Karlsruhe were my profiling talk from before and a talk with live coding based on my writing a profiler from scratch series.
Giving so many talks during two weeks was interesting, although it proved more taxing than I had hoped. I’m happy to start working on my JEP and fixing bugs; a significant rewrite of the JEP might be on the horizon. The following blog post will probably be related.
If you want to see me giving a talk, either invite me or come to the following few planned talks:
- Java User Group Mannheim, 13th July: Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java (blog post)
- JavaZone Oslo, 6th and 7th September: Unleash the Power Of Open-Source Profilers (InfoQ article)
- Java Forum Nord Hannover, 12th September: Unleash the power of Open-Source Java Profilers
- Basel One, 18th and 19th October: Unleash the Power Of Open-Source Profilers
Hopefully, there will be more. You can find my past and upcoming talks on my new Talks page.