Hello eBPF: Building a Lightning Fast Firewall with Java & eBPF (14)

Welcome back to my series on ebpf. In the last post, I told you how TC and XDP hooks allow us to monitor incoming and outgoing packets. This week, we’re extending this to build a firewall in Java, including a small Spring-Boot-based web frontend, with hello-ebpf:

Before I start, here is a disclaimer: The details of eBPF are hard, so I could only get the filtering of incoming packets to work reliably. Can I still call it a firewall? I would say yes, but please help me filter the outgoing packets if you disagree. Also, it’s my first Spring-Boot-based application, so please don’t judge it too harshly. Lastly, we only focus on IPv4 packets, so adding support for IPv6 rules is left to the reader.

Is it fast? Probably. I didn’t do any measurements myself, but research by Cloudflare suggests that XDP is far faster at dropping packets than the standard firewall.

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Hello eBPF: A Packet Logger in Pure Java using TC and XDP Hooks (13)

Welcome back to my series on ebpf. In the last post, I told you about writing eBPF applications in pure Java using my new Java compiler plugin. This week, we’re extending the XDP example from last week (and Hello eBPF: XDP-based Packet Filter (9)) to also capture outgoing packets using a Traffic Control (TC) classifier.

Before we go into the details, first, the demo of the PacketLogger:

The logger captures the incoming and outgoing IP packets with their IP address, their protocol (TCP, UDP, OTHER), the TCP/UDP port, and the packet length. But before I show you how I implemented all this in Java, here is a short introduction to the Linux network stack:

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