Do you trust profilers? I once did too

Profilers are great tools in your toolbox, like debuggers, when solving problems with your Java application (I’ve been on a podcast on this topic recently). I’ll tell you some of their problems and a technique to cope with them in this blog post.

There are many open-source profilers, most notably JFR/JMC, and async-profiler, that help you to find and fix performance problems. But they are just software themself, interwoven with a reasonably large project, the OpenJDK (or OpenJ9, for that matter), and thus suffer from the same problems as the typical problems of application they are used to profile:

  • Tests could be better
  • Performance and accuracy could be better
  • Tests could be more plentiful, especially for the underlying API, which could be tested well
  • Changes in seemingly unrelated parts of the enclosing project can adversely affect them

Therefore you take the profiles generated by profilers with a grain of salt. There are several blog posts and talks covering the accuracy problems of profilers:

I would highly recommend you to read my Writing a profiler from scratch series If you want to know more about how the foundational AsyncGetCallTrace is used in profilers. Just to list a few.

A sample AsyncGetCallTraceTrace bug

A problem that has been less discussed is the lacking test coverage of the underlying APIs. The AsyncGetCallTrace API, used by async-profiler and others, has just one test case in the OpenJDK (as I discussed before). This test case can be boiled down to the following:

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class Main {

    static { /** load native library */ }

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Class<?> klass = Main.class;
        Method mainMethod = klass.getMethod("test");

    public static void test() {
        if (!checkAsyncGetCallTraceCall()) {
            throw ...;

    public static native boolean checkAsyncGetCallTraceCall();

This is the simplest test case that can be written in the OpenJDK JTREG test framework for OpenJDK. The problem with this test case? The implementation of checkAsyncGetCallTraceCall only checks for the topmost frame. To test AsyncGetCallTrace correctly here, one should compare the trace returned by this call with the trace of an oracle. We can use GetStackTrace (the safepoint-biased predecessor of ASGCT) here as it seems to return the correct trace.

GetStackTrace returns something like the following:

Frame 0: Main.checkAsyncGetStackTraceCall
Frame 1: Main.test
Frame 2: java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH.[...].invokeStatic
Frame 3: java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH.[...].invoke
Frame 4: java.lang.invoke.Invokers$Holder.invokeExact_MT
Frame 5: jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor
Frame 6: jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke
Frame 7: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke
Frame 8: Main.main

AsyncGetCallTrace, on the other hand, had problems walking over some of the reflection internals and returned:

Frame 0: Main.checkAsyncGetStackTraceCall
Frame 1: Main.test
Frame 2: java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH.[...].invokeStatic

This problem can be observed with a modified test case with JFR and async-profiler too:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Class<?> klass = Main.class;
        Method mainMethod = klass.getMethod("test");

    public static void test() {

    public static void javaLoop() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (start + 3000 > System.currentTimeMillis());
The expected flame graph is on the left (obtained after fixing the bug), and the actual flame graph is on the right.

So the only test case on AsyncGetCallTrace in the OpenJDK did not properly test the whole trace. This was not a problem when the test case was written. One can expect that its author checked the entire stack trace manually once and then created a small check test case to test the first frame, which is not implementation specific. But this is a problem for regression testing:

The Implementation of JEP 416: Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handle in JDK 18+23 in mid-2021 modified the inner workings of reflection and triggered this bug. The lack of proper regression tests meant the bug had only been discovered a week ago. The actual cause of the bug is more complicated and related to a broken invariant regarding stack pointers in the stack walking. You can read more on this in the comments by Jorn Vernee and Richard Reingruber to my PR.

My PR improves the test by checking the result of AsyncGetCallTrace against GetStackTrace, as explained before, and fixing the bug by slightly loosening the invariant.

My main problem with finding this bug is that it shows how the lack of test coverage for the underlying profiling APIs might cause problems even for profiling simple Java code. I only found the bug because I’m writing many tests for my new AsyncGetStackTrace API. It’s hard work, but I’m convinced this is the only way to create a reliable foundation for profilers.

Profilers in a loop

Profilers have many problems but are still helpful if you know what they can and cannot do. They should be used with care, without trusting everything they tell you. Profilers are only as good as the person interpreting the profiler results and the person’s technique.

I have a background in computer science, and every semester I give students in a paper writing lab an hour-long lecture on doing experiments. I started this a few years back and continue to do it pro-bono because it is an important skill to teach. One of the most important things that I teach the students is that doing experiments is essentially a loop:

You start with an abstract model of the experiment and its environment (like the tool or algorithm you’re testing). Then you formulate a hypothesis in this model (e.g., “Algorithm X is faster as Y because of Z”). You might find problems in your model during this step and go back to the modeling step, or you don’t and start evaluating, checking whether the hypothesis holds. During this evaluation, you might find problems with your hypothesis (e.g., it isn’t valid) or even your model and go back to the respective step. Besides problems, you usually find new information that lets you refine your model and hypothesis. Evaluating without a mental model or a hypothesis makes it impossible to interpret the evaluation results correctly. But remember that a mismatch between hypothesis and evaluation might also be due to a broken evaluation.

The same loop can be applied to profiling: Before investigating any issue with a program, you should acquire at least a rough mental model of the code. This means understanding the basic architecture, performance-critical components, and the issues of the underlying libraries. Then you formulate a hypothesis based on the problem you’re investigating embedded in your mental model (e.g., “Task X is slow because Y is probably slow …”). You can then evaluate the hypothesis using actual tests and a profiler. But as before, remember that your evaluation might also contain bugs. You can only discover these with a mental model and a reasonably refined hypothesis.

This technique lets you use profilers without fearing that spurious errors will lead you to wrong conclusions.

I hope you found this article helpful and educational. It is an ongoing effort to add proper tests and educate users of profilers. See you in the next post when I cover the next step in writing a profiler from scratch.

This blog post is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone.

JFR Timestamps and System.nanoTime

Did you ever wonder whether JFR timestamps use the same time source as System.nanoTime? This is important when you have miscellaneous logging besides JFR events; otherwise, you could not match JFR events and your logging properly. We assume here that you use System.nanoTime and not less-suited timing information from System.currentTimeMillis.

The journey into this started with a question on the JDK Mission Control slack channel, which led me into a rabbit hole:

Could I have a question regarding JFR timestamps? (working with Linux) Is there any difference between JFR timestamp implementation and System#nanoTime (any optimization)?

Petr Bouda

This question essentially boils down to comparing both methods’ OS time sources. We’re only considering Unix systems in the following.

Source of JFR timestamps

The JFR event time stamps are set in the JFR event constructor, which is defined in jfrEvent.hpp (and not in the Java code, as one might expect):

  JfrEvent(EventStartTime timing=TIMED) : 
    _start_time(0), _end_time(0),
    _untimed(timing == UNTIMED),
    _should_commit(false), _evaluated(false)
#ifdef ASSERT
  , _verifier()
    if (!T::isInstant && !_untimed && is_enabled()) {

Looking further reveals that JFRTicks calls FastUnorderedElapsedCounterSource which uses two different time sources:

 FastUnorderedElapsedCounterSource::now() {
#if defined(X86) && !defined(ZERO)
  static bool valid_rdtsc = Rdtsc::initialize();
  if (valid_rdtsc) {
    return Rdtsc::elapsed_counter();
  return os::elapsed_counter();

The RDTSC instruction reads the time stamp counter on x86 processors:

The time stamp counter (TSC) is a hardware counter found in all contemporary x86 processors. The counter is implemented as a 64-bit model-specific register (MSR) that is incremented at every clock cycle. The RDTSC (“read time stamp counter”) register has been present since the original Pentium.

Already because of the access method, TSC provides a low-overhead and high-resolution way to obtain CPU timing information. This traditional premise was violated when such factors as system sleep states, CPU “hotplugging”, “hibernation”, and CPU frequency scaling were introduced to the x86 lineage. This was however mainly a short abruption: in many new x86 CPUs the time stamp counter is again invariant with respect to the stability of the clock frequency. Care should be however taken in implementations that rely on this assumption.


This instruction allows the OS to implement a monotonic real-time clock.

On non-x86 systems os::elapsed_counter is used, which, surprise, calls os::javaTimeNanos:

jlong os::elapsed_counter() {
  return os::javaTimeNanos() - initial_time_count;

Source of System.nanoTime

Now the remaining question is: Does System.nanoTime also call os::javaTimeNanos? The method is defined in the jvm.cpp:

JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_NanoTime(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored))
  return os::javaTimeNanos();

So System.nanoTime is just a tiny wrapper around os::javaTimeNanos. So this solves the original question on non-x86 CPUs. But what about x86 CPUs?

First for Mac OS: It boils down to calling mach_absolute_time:

Returns current value of a clock that increments monotonically in tick units (starting at an arbitrary point), this clock does not increment while the system is asleep.


Information on the implementation of this method is scarce, but source code from 2007 suggests that mach_absolute_time is RDTSC based. So there is (probably) no difference between JFR timestamps and System.nanoTime on Mac OS, regardless of the CPU architecture.

Now on Linux: Here, the used os::javaTimeNanos is implemented using clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...):

CLOCK_MONOTONIC Clock that cannot be set and represents monotonic time since some unspecified starting point.


I tried to find something in the Linux Kernel sources, but they are slightly too complicated to find the solution quickly, so I had to look elsewhere. Someone asked a question on clock_gettime on StackOverflow. The answers essentially answer our question too: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...) seems to use RDTSC.


JFR timestamps and System.nanoTime seem to use the same time source on all Unix systems on all platforms, as far as I understand it.

You can stop the JVM from using RDTSC by using the -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps JVM flags (thanks to Richard Startin for pointing this out). You can read Markus Grönlunds Mail on Timing Differences Between JFR and GC Logs for another take on JFR timestamps (or skip ahead):

JFR performance as it relates to event generation, which is also functional for JFR, reduce to a large extent to how quickly a timestamp can be acquired. Since everything in JFR is an event, and an event will have at least one timestamp, and two timestamps for events that represent durations, the event generation leans heavily on the clock source. Clock access latencies is therefore of central importance for JFR, maybe even more so than correctness. And historically, operating systems have varied quite a bit when it comes to access latency and resolution for the performance timers they expose.

What you see in your example is that os::elapsed_counter() (which on Windows maps to QueryPerformanceCounter() with a JVM relative epoch offset) and the rdtsc() counter are disjoint epochs, and they are treated as such in Hotspot. Therefore, attempting to compare the raw counter values is not semantically valid.

Relying on and using rdtsc() come with disclaimers and problems and is generally not recommended. Apart from the historical and performance related aspects already detailed, here is a short description of how it is treated in JFR:

JFR will only attempt to use this source if it has the InvariantTSC property, with timestamp values only treated relative to some other, more stable, clock source. Each “chunk” (file) in JFR reifies a relative epoch, with the chunk start time anchored to a stable timestamp (on Windows this is UTC nanoseconds). rdtsc() timestamps for events generated during that epoch are only treated relative to this start time during post-processing, which gives very high resolution to JFR events. As JFR runs, new “chunks”, and therefore new time epochs, are constructed, continuously, each anchored anew to a stable timestamp.

The nature of rdtsc() querying different cores / sockets with no guarantee of them having been synchronized is of course a problem using this mechanism. However, over the years, possible skews have proven not as problematic as one might think in JFR. In general, the relative relations between the recorded JFR events give enough information to understand a situation and to solve a problem. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, when analyzing low-level aspects expecting high accuracy, usually involving some correlation to some other non-JFR related component. For these situations, an alternative is to turn off rdtsc() usages in JFR using the flags: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps. JFR will now use os::elapsed_counter() as the time source. This comes with higher overhead, but if this overhead is not deemed problematic in an environment, then this is of course a better solution.

As other have already pointed out, there have been evolution in recent years in how operating systems provide performance counter information to user mode. It might very well be that now the access latencies are within acceptable overhead, combined with high timer resolution. If that is the case, the rdtsc() usages should be phased out due to its inherent problems. This requires a systematic investigation and some policy on how to handle older HW/SW combinations – if there needs to be a fallback to continue to use rdtsc(), it follows it is not feasible to phase it out completely.

Markus Grönlund

Difference between System.currentTimeMillis and System.nanoTime

This is not directly related to the original question, but nonetheless interesting. System.currentTimeMillis is implemented using clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ...) on all CPU architectures:

CLOCK_REALTIME System-wide realtime clock. Setting this clock requires appropriate privileges.


This clock is not guaranteed to be monotonic:

CLOCK_REALTIME represents the machine’s best-guess as to the current wall-clock, time-of-day time. […] this means that CLOCK_REALTIME can jump forwards and backwards as the system time-of-day clock is changed, including by NTP.

CLOCK_MONOTONIC represents the absolute elapsed wall-clock time since some arbitrary, fixed point in the past. It isn’t affected by changes in the system time-of-day clock.

Ciro Santilli on STACKOVERFLOW

So does it make a difference? Probably only slightly, especially if you’re running shorter profiling runs. For longer runs, consider using System.nanoTime.

I hope you enjoyed coming down this rabbit hole with me and learned something about JFR internals along the way.

This blog post is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone.

Using Firefox Profiler beyond the web

This blog post is the base for the second half of my upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2023 on the topic “Firefox Profiler beyond the web: Using Firefox Profiler to view Java profiling data.”

I detailed in my last blog post how the Firefox Profiler can be used to view Java profiling data:

But I’m of course not the only one who uses Firefox Profiler beyond the web, because using it has many advantages: You’re essentially getting a prototypical visualization for your data in an afternoon.

Other tools that use Firefox Profiler

There are other tools that output use Firefox Profiler for their front end. A great example is the Rust profiler samply by Markus Stange, the initial developer of Firefox Profiler:

samply is a command line CPU profiler which uses the Firefox profiler as its UI.

At the moment it runs on macOS and Linux. Windows support is planned. samply is still under development and far from finished, but works quite well already.

Give it a try:

% cargo install samply
% samply record ./your-command your-arguments

Another example is the python profiler FunctionTrace:

A graphical Python profiler that provides a clear view of your application’s execution while being both low-overhead and easy to use.

FunctionTrace supports all of the useful profiling views you’re familiar with, including Stack Charts, Flame Graphs, and Call Trees, thanks to its integration with the Firefox Profiler.

There are also non-open source uses of Firefox Profiler, Luís Oliveira, for example, works on integration with Lisp:

We’re using the Firefox Profiler to debug performance issues at the Dutch Railways dispatching center.

Basic Structure

I hope I convinced you that the Firefox Profiler is really great for visualizing profiling data, even if this data comes from the world beyond web UIs. If not, please read my previous article. The main part of adapting to Firefox Profiler is to convert your data into the profiler format. The data is stored as JSON in a (optionally zipped) file and can be loaded into Firefox Profiler. See Loading in profiles from various sources for more information.

The basic structure of a tool using Firefox Profiler can be as follows, using my plugin as an example:

You have a converter from your profile format to the Firefox Profiler format. The converted file is then passed to the Firefox Profiler, either from or a custom fork. You typically then wrap your UI and the converter, hosting both on a small webserver. This web server runs then on e.g. localhost. Hosting your own Firefox Profiler instance has two main advantages: First, you have always a tested combination of Firefox Profiler and Converter. Second, it works offline. The web server can then be embedded into a larger application, showing the UI using an embedded browser.

You can find the type definitions in the types folder of the Firefox Profiler repository. All of the following will be based on this. This part of the article will not focus on all the details, like markers, but more on a bird’s eye view of the format, so it will probably still apply with future revisions. I’ll also omit parts that are not that useful for non-web use cases. If you have any questions on the file format, feel free to ask them in the matrix channel.

The type definitions are written with flow. It is helpful to read its documentation if you want to understand the intricacies. But for now, it should suffice to know that x?: type means that the property x is optional and that | denotes either types.


A short interlude: The layout of Firefox Profiler consists basically of a timeline view and a methods and timing view:

The timeline allows you to select specific threads and a time slice to view the details in the detail section below the timeline.


The following shows the main components of the profile format, omitting and summarizing many properties. This diagram should give a rough overview of what comes next:


The topmost level of a profile is the Profile type:

type Profile = {|
  meta: ProfileMeta,    // meta information, like application name
  libs: Lib[],          // used shared native libraries
  counters?: Counter[], // CPU and memory counters
  threads: Thread[],    // samples per thread

A profile consists of the metadata, shared libraries, CPU and memory counters, and the rest of the data per thread.


A profile can have lots of metadata shown in the UI. The ProfileMeta type specifies this:

type ProfileMeta = {|
  // The interval at which the threads are sampled.
  interval: Milliseconds,
  // The number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
  startTime: Milliseconds,
  // The number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
  endTime?: Milliseconds,
  // The list of categories as provided by the platform. The categories are present for
  // all Firefox profiles, but imported profiles may not include any category support.
  // The front-end will provide a default list of categories, but the saved profile
  // will not include them.
  categories?: CategoryList,
  // The name of the product, most likely "Firefox".
  product: 'Firefox' | string,
  // Arguments to the program (currently only used for imported profiles)
  arguments?: string,
  // The amount of logically available CPU cores for the program.
  logicalCPUs?: number,
  symbolicated?: boolean,  // usually false for imported profiles
  symbolicationNotSupported?: boolean, // usually true for imported profiles
  // symbolication is usually not important for imported and converted profiles
  // Profile importers can optionally add information about where they are imported from.
  // They also use the "product" field in the meta information, but this is somewhat
  // ambiguous. This field, if present, is unambiguous that it was imported.
  importedFrom?: string,

  // The following are settings that are used to configure the views for
  // imported profiles, as some features do not make sense for them

  // Do not distinguish between different stack types?
  usesOnlyOneStackType?: boolean, // true in our use case
  // Hide the "implementation" information in the UI (see #3709)?
  doesNotUseFrameImplementation?: boolean, // true in our use case
  // Hide the "Look up the function name on Searchfox" menu entry?
  sourceCodeIsNotOnSearchfox?: boolean,    // true in our use case
  // Indexes of the threads that are initially visible in the UI.
  // This is useful for imported profiles for which the internal visibility score
  // ranking does not make sense.
  initialVisibleThreads?: ThreadIndex[],
  // Indexes of the threads that are initially selected in the UI.
  // This is also most useful for imported profiles where just using the first thread
  // of each process might not make sense.
  initialSelectedThreads?: ThreadIndex[],
  // Keep the defined thread order
  keepProfileThreadOrder?: boolean,

And there is more. It might feel overwhelming, but this data structure also allows you to tailor the profiler UI slightly to your needs.


Many parts of the profile are associated with a Category and a subcategory. A category is defined as:

type Category = {|
  name: string,
  color: string,
  subcategories: string[],

Categories are referenced by their index in the category list of the ProfileMeta data structure and subcategories by their index in the field of their parent category.

The categories are used to assign a color to the squares in front of the method names and give more information on every call tree node in the sidebar:

Now to the individual threads:


The thread data structure combines all information related to a single thread. There can be multiple threads per process Id. The thread with the name GeckoMain is handled differently than the others. It is the main thread that is shown in the process timeline.

type Thread = {|
  processStartupTime: Milliseconds,
  processShutdownTime: Milliseconds | null,
  registerTime: Milliseconds,
  unregisterTime: Milliseconds | null,
  name: string,
  pid: Pid,
  tid: Tid,
  // Strings for profiles are collected into a single table, and are referred to by
  // their index by other tables.
  stringTable: UniqueStringArray,
  samples: SamplesTable,
  stackTable: StackTable,
  frameTable: FrameTable,
  funcTable: FuncTable,
  resourceTable: ResourceTable,

The file format stores all stack traces in a space-efficient format which the front end can handle fast. It uses an array of strings (stringTable) to store all strings that appear in the stack traces (like function names), the other data structures only refer to strings by their index in this array.

SampleS Table

This data structure associates a captured stack with a capture time and an optional weight:

 * The Gecko Profiler records samples of what function was currently being executed, and
 * the callstack that is associated with it. This is done at a fixed but configurable
 * rate, e.g. every 1 millisecond. This table represents the minimal amount of
 * information that is needed to represent that sampled function. Most of the entries
 * are indices into other tables.
type SamplesTable = {|
  stack: Array<IndexIntoStackTable | null>,
  time: Milliseconds[],
  // An optional weight array. If not present, then the weight is assumed to be 1.
  // See the WeightType type for more information.
  weight: null | number[],
  weightType: WeightType,  // 'samples' or 'tracing-ms'
  // CPU usage value of the current thread. Its values are null only if the back-end
  // fails to get the CPU usage from operating system.
  threadCPUDelta?: Array<number | null>,
  length: number,

Filling this with data from a sampling profiler is easy, just add references to the stacks and their occurrence time. For example consider you sampled the stack A-B at 0 and A-B-C at 2, then the samples table is:

SamplesTable = {
  stack: [A-B, A-B-C], // references into the stack table
  time:  [0, 2],
  weigth: null,
  weigthType: 'samples',
  length: 2

Filling the threadCPUDelta property allows you to specify the CPU time a thread has used since the last sample. The Firefox Profiler uses this property to show the CPU usage curves in the timeline:

Stack Table

All stacks are stored in the stack table using a prefix array:

type StackTable = {|
  frame: IndexIntoFrameTable[],
  // Imported profiles may not have categories. In this case fill the array with 0s.
  category: IndexIntoCategoryList[],
  subcategory: IndexIntoSubcategoryListForCategory[],
  prefix: Array<IndexIntoStackTable | null>,
  length: number,

Category and subcategory of a stack n gives information on the whole stack, the frame just on its topmost frame. The prefix denotes the stack related to the second-top-most frame or that this stack only has one frame if null. This allows the efficient storage of stacks.

Now consider our example from before. We could store the stack A-B-C as follows:

StackTable = {
  frame:  [A, B, C], // references into the frame table
  prefix: [1, 2, 0],

Frame Table

The frames themselves are stored in the frame table:

 * Frames contain the context information about the function execution at the moment in
 * time. The caller/callee relationship between frames is defined by the StackTable.
type FrameTable = {|
  // If this is a frame for native code, the address is the address of the frame's
  // assembly instruction,  relative to the native library that contains it.
  address: Array<Address | -1>,

  // The inline depth for this frame. If there is an inline stack at an address,
  // we create multiple frames with the same address, one for each depth.
  // The outermost frame always has depth 0.
  inlineDepth: number[],

  category: (IndexIntoCategoryList | null)[],
  subcategory: (IndexIntoSubcategoryListForCategory | null)[],
  func: IndexIntoFuncTable[],
  line: (number | null)[],
  column: (number | null)[],
  length: number,

Each frame is related to a function, which is in turn stored in the FuncTable.

Func Table

The function table stores all functions with some metadata:

type FuncTable = {|
  // The function name.
  name: Array<IndexIntoStringTable>,

  // isJS and relevantForJS describe the function type. Non-JavaScript functions
  // can be marked as "relevant for JS" so that for example DOM API label functions
  // will show up in any JavaScript stack views.
  // It may be worth combining these two fields into one:
  isJS: Array<boolean>,
  relevantForJS: Array<boolean>,

  // The resource describes "Which bag of code did this function come from?".
  // For JS functions, the resource is of type addon, webhost, otherhost, or url.
  // For native functions, the resource is of type library.
  // For labels and for other unidentified functions, we set the resource to -1.
  resource: Array<IndexIntoResourceTable | -1>,

  // These are non-null for JS functions only. The line and column describe the
  // location of the *start* of the JS function. As for the information about which
  // which lines / columns inside the function were actually hit during execution,
  // that information is stored in the frameTable, not in the funcTable.
  fileName: Array<IndexIntoStringTable | null>,
  lineNumber: Array<number | null>,
  columnNumber: Array<number | null>,

  length: number,

Resource Table

The last table I’ll show in this article is the resource table. It depends on you and what you map to it:

 * The ResourceTable holds additional information about functions. It tends to contain
 * sparse arrays. Multiple functions can point to the same resource.
type ResourceTable = {|
  length: number,
  name: Array<IndexIntoStringTable>,
  // 0: unknown, library: 1, addon: 2, webhost: 3, otherhost: 4, url: 5
  type: resourceTypeEnum[],

This was quite a technical article, so thanks for reading till the end. I hope it helps you when you try to target the Firefox Profiler, and see you for the next blog post.

This blog post is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone.