Let’s create a Python Debugger together: FOSDEM Talk

A small addendum to the previous six parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6).

I gave a talk on the topic of Python 3.12’s new monitoring and debugging API at FOSDEM’s Python Devroom:

Furthermore, I’m excited to announce my acceptance to PyCon Berlin this year. When I started my blog series last year, I would’ve never dreamed of speaking at a large Python conference. I’m probably the only OpenJDK developer there, but I’m happy to meet many new people from a different community.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: PyData Talk

A small addendum to the previous five parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5).

I gave a talk on this topic, based on my blog posts, at PyData Karlsruhe:

You can find all the source code of the demos here. It was a great pleasure giving this talk, and the audience received it well.

This might be the end of my journey into Python debuggers, but I feel some untold topics are out there. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to comment. See you in my next blog post and possibly at the next Python conference that accepts my talk proposal.

The presentation was part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Tiny Addendum (exec and __name__)

A small addendum to the previous four parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4).

I tried the debugger I finished last week on a small sample application for my upcoming talk at the PyData Südwest meet-up, and it failed. The problem is related to running the file passed to the debugger. Consider that we debug the following program:

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

We now set the breakpoint in the main method when starting the debugger and continuing with the execution of the program. The problem: It never hits the breakpoint. But why? Because it never calls the main method.

The cause of this problem is that the __name__ variable is set to dbg2.py (the file containing the code is compiling and running the script). But how do we run the script? We use the following (based on a Real Python article):

_globals = globals().copy()

# ...

class Dbg:
   # ...   
   def run(self, file: Path):
        """ Run a given file with the debugger """
        self._main_file = file
        # see https://realpython.com/python-exec/#using-python-for-configuration-files
        compiled = compile(file.read_text(), filename=str(file), mode='exec')
        sys.breakpointhook = self._breakpoint
        exec(compiled, _globals)

This code uses the compile method to compile the code, telling this method that the file belongs to the program file.

The mode argument specifies what kind of code must be compiled; it can be 'exec' if source consists of a sequence of statements, 'eval' if it consists of a single expression, or 'single' if it consists of a single interactive statement (in the latter case, expression statements that evaluate to something other than None will be printed).

Python Documentation for The Mode Argument of the Compile Method

We then remove the first argument of the program because it is the debugged file in the case of the debugger and run some post-processing on the compiled code object. This is the reason why we can’t just use eval. Finally, we use exec to execute the compiled code with the global variables that we had before creating the Dbg class and others.

The problem is that exec it doesn’t set the import-related module attributes, such as __name__ and __file__ properly. So we have to emulate these by adding global variables:

        exec(compiled, _globals | 
                      {"__name__": "__main__", "__file__": str(file)})

It makes of course sense that exec behaves this way, as it is normally used to evaluate code in the current context.

With this now fixed, it is possible to debug normal applications like the line counter that I use in my upcoming talk at the 16th November in Karlsruhe.

I hope you liked this short addendum and see you next time with a blog post on something more Java-related.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 4 (Python 3.12 edition)

The fourth part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, and part 3).

In this article, we’ll be looking into how changes introduced in Python 3.12 can help us with one of the most significant pain points of our current debugger implementation: The Python interpreter essentially calls our callback at every line of code, regardless if we have a breakpoint in the currently running method. But why is this the case?

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Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 3 (Refactoring)

This is the necessary third part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole; if you’re new to the series, please take a look at part 1 and part 2 first.

I promised in the last part of this series that I’ll show you how to use the new Python APIs. However, some code refactoring is necessary before I can finally proceed. The implementation in dbg.py mixes the sys.settrace related code and code that can be reused for other debugging implementations. So, this is a short blog post covering the result of the refactoring. The code can be found in dbg2.py.

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Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 2

The second part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole.

In this blog post, we extend and fix the debugger we created in part 1: We add the capability to

  • single step over code, stepping over lines, into function calls, and out of functions,
  • and adding conditions to breakpoints.

You can find the resulting MIT-licensed code on GitHub in the python-dbg repository in the file dbg.py. I added a README so you can glance at how to use it.

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