Let’s create a Python Debugger together: PyData Talk

A small addendum to the previous five parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5).

I gave a talk on this topic, based on my blog posts, at PyData Karlsruhe:

You can find all the source code of the demos here. It was a great pleasure giving this talk, and the audience received it well.

This might be the end of my journey into Python debuggers, but I feel some untold topics are out there. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to comment. See you in my next blog post and possibly at the next Python conference that accepts my talk proposal.

The presentation was part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.


  • Johannes Bechberger

    Johannes Bechberger is a JVM developer working on profilers and their underlying technology in the SapMachine team at SAP. This includes improvements to async-profiler and its ecosystem, a website to view the different JFR event types, and improvements to the FirefoxProfiler, making it usable in the Java world. He started at SAP in 2022 after two years of research studies at the KIT in the field of Java security analyses. His work today is comprised of many open-source contributions and his blog, where he writes regularly on in-depth profiling and debugging topics, and of working on his JEP Candidate 435 to add a new profiling API to the OpenJDK.

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