Hello eBPF: Developing eBPF Apps in Java (1)

Please be aware that this blog post uses the discontinued libbcc-based API in hello-ebpf.

eBPF allows you to attach programs directly to hooks in the Linux kernel without loading kernel modules, like hooks for networking or executing programs. This has historically been used for writing custom package filters in firewalls. Still, nowadays, it is used for monitoring and tracing, becoming an ever more critical building block of modern observability tools. To quote from ebpf.io:

Historically, the operating system has always been an ideal place to implement observability, security, and networking functionality due to the kernel’s privileged ability to oversee and control the entire system. At the same time, an operating system kernel is hard to evolve due to its central role and high requirement towards stability and security. The rate of innovation at the operating system level has thus traditionally been lower compared to functionality implemented outside of the operating system.

eBPF changes this formula fundamentally. It allows sandboxed programs to run within the operating system, which means that application developers can run eBPF programs to add additional capabilities to the operating system at runtime. The operating system then guarantees safety and execution efficiency as if natively compiled with the aid of a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler and verification engine. This has led to a wave of eBPF-based projects covering a wide array of use cases, including next-generation networking, observability, and security functionality.

Today, eBPF is used extensively to drive a wide variety of use cases: Providing high-performance networking and load-balancing in modern data centers and cloud native environments, extracting fine-grained security observability data at low overhead, helping application developers trace applications, providing insights for performance troubleshooting, preventive application and container runtime security enforcement, and much more. The possibilities are endless, and the innovation that eBPF is unlocking has only just begun.

Writing eBPF apps

On the lowest level, eBPF programs are compiled down to eBPF bytecode and attached to hooks in the kernel via a syscall. This is tedious; so many libraries for eBPF allow you to write applications using and interacting with eBPF in C++, Rust, Go, Python, and even Lua.

But there are none for Java, which is a pity. So… I decided to write bindings using the new Foreign Function API (Project Panama, preview in 21) and bcc, the first and widely used library for eBPF, which is typically used with its Python API and allows you to write eBPF programs in C, compiling eBPF programs dynamically at runtime.

That’s why I wrote From C to Java Code using Panama a few weeks ago.

Anyway, I’m starting my new blog series and eBPF library hello-ebpf:

Let’s discover eBPF together. Join me on the journey to write all examples from the Learning eBPF book (get it also from Bookshop.org, Amazon, or O’Reilly) by Liz Rice and more in Java, implementing a Java library for eBPF along the way, with a blog series to document the journey. I highly recommend reading the book alongside my articles; for this blog post, I read the book till page 18.

The project is still in its infancy, but I hope that we can eventually extend the overview image from ebpf.io with a duke:


The main goal is to provide a library (and documentation) for Java developers to explore eBPF and write their own eBPF programs without leaving their favorite language and runtime.

The initial goal is to be as close to the BCC Python API as possible to port the book’s examples to Java easily. You can find the Java versions of the examples in the src/main/me/bechberger/samples and the API in the src/main/me/bechberger/bcc directory in the GitHub repository.


The Python API is just a wrapper around the bcc library using the built-in cffi, which extends the raw bindings to improve usability. The initial implementation of the library is a translation of the Python code to Java 21 code with Panama for FFI.

For example the following method of the Python API

    def get_syscall_fnname(self, name):
        name = _assert_is_bytes(name)
        return self.get_syscall_prefix() + name

is translated into Java as follows:

    public String get_syscall_fnname(String fnName) {
        return get_syscall_prefix() + fnName;

This is the reason why the library has the same license as the Python API, Apache 2.0. The API is purposefully close to the Python API and only deviates where absolutely necessary, adding a few helper methods to improve it slightly. This makes it easier to work with the examples from the book and speeds up the initial development. But finishing a translation of the Python API is not the end goal:


A look ahead into the future so you know what to expect:

  • Implement the full API so that we can recreate all bcc examples from the book
  • Make it adequately available as a library on Maven Central
  • Support the newer libbpf library
  • Allow writing eBPF programs in Java

These plans might change, but I’ll try to keep this current. I’m open to suggestions, contributions, and ideas.


Contributions are welcome; just open an issue or a pull request. Discussions take place in the discussions section of the GitHub repository. Please spread the word if you like it; this greatly helps the project.

I’m happy to include more example programs, API documentation, helper methods, and links to repositories and projects that use this library.

Running the first example

The Java library is still in its infancy, but we are already implementing the most basic eBPF program from the book that prints “Hello World!” every time a new program is started via the execve system call:

> ./run.sh bcc.HelloWorld
           <...>-30325   [042] ...21 10571.161861: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-30325   [004] ...21 10571.164091: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-30325   [115] ...21 10571.166249: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-39907   [127] ...21 10571.167210: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-30325   [115] ...21 10572.231333: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-30325   [060] ...21 10572.233574: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-30325   [099] ...21 10572.235698: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
             zsh-39911   [100] ...21 10572.236664: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
 MediaSu~isor #3-19365   [064] ...21 10573.417254: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
 MediaSu~isor #3-22497   [000] ...21 10573.417254: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
 MediaPD~oder #1-39914   [083] ...21 10573.418197: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!
 MediaSu~isor #3-39913   [116] ...21 10573.418249: bpf_trace_printk: Hello, World!

This helps you track the processes that use execve and lets you observe that Firefox (via MediaSu~isor) creates many processes and see whenever a Z-Shell creates a new process.

The related code can be found in chapter2/HelloWorld.java:

public class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try (BPF b = BPF.builder("""
            int hello(void *ctx) {
               bpf_trace_printk("Hello, World!");
               return 0;
            """).build()) {
      var syscall = b.get_syscall_fnname("execve");
      b.attach_kprobe(syscall, "hello");

The eBPF program appends a “Hello World” trace message to the /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace DebugFS file via bpf_trace_printk everytime the hello method is called. The trace has the following format: “<current task, e.g. zsh>-<process id> [<CPU id the task is running on>] <options> <timestamp>: <appending ebpf method>: <actual message, like 'Hello World'>“. But bpf_trace_printk is slow, it should only be used for debugging purposes.

The Java code attaches the hello method to the execve system call and then prints the lines from the /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace file. The program is equivalent to the Python code from the book. But, of course, many features have not yet been implemented and so the programs you can write are quite limited.


eBPF is an integral part of the modern observability tech stack. The hello-ebpf Java library will allow you to write eBPF applications directly in Java for the first time. This is an enormous undertaking for a side project so it will take some time. With my new blog series, you can be part of the journey, learning eBPF and building great tools.

I plan to write a blog post every few weeks and hope you join me. You wouldn’t be the first: Mohammed Aboullaite has already entered and helped me with his eBPF expertise. The voyage will hopefully take us from the first hello world examples shown in this blog post to a fully fledged Java eBPF library.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. Thank you to Martin Dörr and Lukas Werling who helped in the preparation of this article.

Looking back on one year of speaking and blogging

2023 has been an adventurous year for me: I came into my blogging rhythm, blogging every one to two weeks, resulting in 39 blog posts, spoke at my first conferences, around 14 overall, 22 if you include JUGs and online conferences, and continued working on my IntelliJ plugin, as well as my proposal for a new profiling API. This blog post is a recollection of the year’s highlights. If you want a complete list of my presentations, visit my Talks page or the Presentations page in the SapMachine Wiki.

Before this year, I only gave a few presentations at my local hacker conference, Gulaschprogrammiernacht, and two at local user groups. But then, at the end of December 2022, Abby Bangser asked me whether I wanted to give a talk at QCon London 2023. She apparently noticed me because I started blogging on performance topics, which only a few people do. This resulted in my first proper conference talk with the title “Is Your Java Application Slow? Check out These Open-Source Profilers” and my InfoQ article Unleash the Power of Open Source Java Profilers: Comparing VisualVM, JMC, and async-profiler. I gave a version of this talk at almost every conference I attended.

QCon London was a great experience, albeit I traveled via TGV and Eurostar on my birthday. It was only the second time that I’d been to London, so it was great to explore the city (and have my first blog post, Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java, on the top of the hacker news front page), visiting the British Museum and walking along the Themes:

But this wasn’t actually my first conference talk if you include my two 15-minute talks at FOSDEM 2023 in February, one of which was based on my work on Firefox Profiler:

FOSDEM is an open-source conference where a lot of different open-source communities meet:

The best thing about FOSDEM was meeting all the lovely FooJay people at the FooJay dinner, many of whom I met again at countless other conferences, like JavaZone in September:

In a bar with my fellow speakers

But more on Oslo later. Speaking at QCon London and FOSDEM was frightening, but I learned a lot in the process, so I started submitting my talks to a few conferences and user groups, resulting in my first Tour d’Europe in May/June this year:

I originally just wanted to give a talk at the JUG Milano while I was there any way on holiday with two friends. Sadly, the vacation fell through due to medical reasons, but Mario Fusco offered me a stay at his place in beautiful Gorgonzola/Milan so I could visit Milan and give my talk:

It was where I gave my first presentation in Italy. It was the first time I’ve ever been to Italy, but I hope to return with a new talk next year.

After my stop in Italy, I spoke at a meet-up in Munich, a small conference in the Netherlands, and gave three new talks at two small conferences in Karlsruhe. All in all, I gave eight talks in around two weeks. You can read more about this endeavor in my Report of my small Tour d’Europe. This was quite exhausting, so I only gave a single talk at a user group until September. But I met someone at one of the Karlsruhe conferences who told me at a dinner a month later that I should look into a new topic…

In the meantime, I used August to go on a sailing vacation in Croatia (couch sailing with Zelimir Cernelicc) and had a great time despite some rumblings regarding my JEP:

Before the vacation, I carelessly applied to a few conferences in the fall, including JavaZone in Oslo and Devoxx Belgium. Still, I would have never dreamed of being a speaker at both in my first year as a proper speaker. Being at JavaZone in September, followed by two smaller conferences in northern Germany, was excellent, especially with all the gorgeous food and getting my first duke:

You can read more on this journey in my Report of my trip to JavaZone and northern Germany.

Then, in October, I went to Devoxx Belgium, meeting people like Alexsey Shipilev

Fixing a bug with Alexsey at Devoxx Belgium; see my article JDWP, onthrow and a mysterious error

and eating lunch with four of the Java architects, including Brian Goetz and Alan Bateman:

Giving a talk at such a well-known conference was a real highlight of my year:

You can see a recording here:

After Devoxx, I gave my newly created talk on Debugger internals in JUG Darmstadt and JUG Karlsruhe. This is the main talk I’ll be presenting, hopefully at conferences in 2024.

After these two JUGs, I went to Basel to give a talk at Basel One. After five conferences, two user groups, and eight blog posts, I needed a break, so I went on vacation to Bratislava, visiting a good friend there and hiking together for two days in the Tatra mountains:

Then, at the beginning of November, I gave a talk at J-Fall in the Netherlands, the biggest one-day conference in Europe:

While there, I stayed with Ties van de Ven, a speaker I first met at FOSDEM. At my first conferences, I knew no other speaker; later speaker dinners felt more like reunions:

At the speakers’ dinner at J-Fall with Simon Martinelli and Tim te Beek

While I was giving presentations and writing about Java profilers and debuggers, I also wrote a five-part series on creating a Python debugger called Let’s create a debugger together, which culminated in my first presentation at my local Python Meet-Up:

I went this year from being a frightened first-time speaker who knows nobody to somebody who traveled Europe to speak at conferences and meet-ups, both large and small, while also regularly blogging and exploring new topics. I had the opportunity to meet countless other speakers, including Marit van Dyjk and Theresa Mammerella, who helped me get better at what I do. I hope I can give something back to the community next year, helping other first-time speakers succeed.

To conclude, here is a list of my most notable blog posts:

Next year will become interesting. My first conference will be the free online Java Developer Days on Jan 17th by WeAreDevelopers, where I will give a presentation about debugging. I got accepted at FOSDEM with a talk on Python’s new monitoring API, ConFoo in Canada, JavaLand, the largest German Java conference, and Voxxed Days Zürich, and I hope for many more. But also regarding blogging: I will start a new series soon on eBPF in which we’ll explore eBPF with Java, developing a new library along the way.

I’m so grateful to my SapMachine team at SAP, which supports me in all my endeavors. Be sure to check out our website to get the best OpenJDK distribution.

Thanks for reading my blog; I hope you’ll come to one of my talks next year, write a comment, and spread the word.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Using AI to Create JFR Event Descriptions

JFR (JDK Flight Recorder) is the default profiler for OpenJDK (see my other blog posts for more information). What makes JFR stand out from the other profilers is the ability to log many, many different events that contain lots of information, like information on class loading, JIT compilation, and garbage collection. You can see a list of all available events on my JFR Event Collection website:

This website gives an overview of the events, with descriptions from the OpenJDK, their properties, examples, configurations, and the JDK versions in which every event is present. However, few descriptions are available, and the available texts are mostly single sentences.

TL:DR: I used GPT3.5 to create a description for every event by giving it the part of the OpenJDK source code that creates the event.

For most events, I state the lack of a description, coupled with a request that the knowledgeable reader might contribute one:

But as you can see, there is not really any progress in creating documentation. So, I have two options left:

  1. Ask knowledgeable JDK developers to add descriptions: It’s time-consuming, and it would only be added in the next release
  2. Write the descriptions myself directly for the website: This is pretty time-consuming, with over 150 events per JDK version.
  3. Task AI to interpret the code that creates each event in the JDK source code.

With 1. and 2. infeasible, I started working on the AI approach, implementing it in my JFR event collector tool that collects the information displayed on the website.

I tried to use local AI models for this project but failed, so I started using GPT3.5-turbo and testing it on the OpenAI ChatGPT website. The main structure of my endeavor is as follows:

For every event, I first collect all usages and creations in the OpenJDK source, and then I construct a prompt of the following form that includes the surrounding context of the source locations:

Explain the JFR event <event> concisely so that the reader, proficient in JFR, knows the meaning and relevance of the event to profiling and its fields, without giving code snippets or referencing the code directly, take the following code as the context of its usage and keep it short and structured
(and in markdown format, so format it properly to make it readable, using bullet points for field lists, but nothing else):

Now some information about the event:
It is <flags: experimental, internal>

Don’t mention implementation details, like methods, but explain the meaning of the event and how to use it for profiling.
Keep field names lowercase and in backticks.
Don’t use headings.
Don’t repeat yourself.
Keep it short.

For example, I asked ChatGPT the following for the ReservedStackActivation event:

Explain the JFR event ReservedStackActivation […]:

file: src/hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp

// ... for brevity

frame SharedRuntime::look_for_reserved_stack_annotated_method(JavaThread* current, frame fr) {
  ResourceMark rm(current);
  // ...
   if (found) {
      activation = fr;
      warning("Potentially dangerous stack overflow in "
              "ReservedStackAccess annotated method %s [%d]",
              method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), count++);
      EventReservedStackActivation event;
      if (event.should_commit()) {
  return activation;

// ...
The code context is from the JDK repository on GitHub.

I then pass this prompt to GPT-3.5 and obtain the result:

The ReservedStackActivation event in JFR signifies a potentially dangerous stack overflow in a Java method that has been annotated with ReservedStackAccess. It is used for profiling purposes to identify methods that may be causing stack overflows.

The relevant field for this event is:

  • method: Represents the Java method where the potential stack overflow occurred.

My prompt and the code used to find the usage contexts, simple regular expressions without C++ parsing, is quite simplistic, but the results are somewhat usable.

But this event has also a description:

Activation of Reserved Stack Area caused by stack overflow with ReservedStackAccess annotated method in call stack

Why did I choose this event, then? Because it allows you to compare the LLM generated and the OpenJDK developer’s written description. Keep in mind that the LLM did not get passed the event description. The generated version is similar, yet more text.

You can find my implementation on GitHub (GPLv2.0 licensed) and the generated documentation on the JFR Event Collection:


I’m unsure whether I like or dislike the results of this experiment: It’s, on the one hand, great to generate descriptions for events that didn’t have any, using the code as the source of truth. But does it really give new insights, or is it just bloated text? I honestly don’t know whether the website needs it. Therefore, I am currently just generating it for JDK 21 and might remove the feature in the future. The AI can’t replace the insights you get by reading articles on specific events, like Gunnar Morling’s recent post on the NativeMemory events.

Do you have any opinions on this? Feel free to use the usual channels to voice your opinion, and consider improving the JFR documentation if you can.

See you next week with a blog post on something completely different yet slightly related to Panama and the reason for my work behind last week’s From C to Java Code using Panama article. Consider this as my Christmas present to my readers.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. Thanks to Vedran Lerenc for helping me with the LLM part of this project.

From C to Java Code using Panama

The Foreign Function & Memory API (also called Project Panama) has come a long way since it started. You can find the latest version implemented in JDK 21 as a preview feature (use --enable-preview to enable it) which is specified by the JEP 454:

By efficiently invoking foreign functions (i.e., code outside the JVM), and by safely accessing foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the JVM), the API enables Java programs to call native libraries and process native data without the brittleness and danger of JNI.

JEP 454

This is pretty helpful when trying to build wrappers around existing native libraries. Other languages, like Python with ctypes, have had this for a long time, but Java is getting a proper API for native interop, too. Of course, there is the Java Native Interface (JNI), but JNI is cumbersome and inefficient (call-sites aren’t inlined, and the overhead of converting data from Java to the native world and back is huge).

Be aware that the API is still in flux. Much of the existing non-OpenJDK documentation is not in sync.


Now to my main example: Assume you’re tired of all the abstraction of the Java I/O API and just want to read a file using the traditional I/O functions of the C standard lib (like read_line.c): we’re trying to read the first line of the passed file, opening the file via fopen, reading the first line via gets, and closing the file via fclose.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  FILE* file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
  char* line = malloc(1024);
  fgets(line, 1024, file);
  printf("%s", line);

This would have involved writing C code in the old JNI days, but we can access the required C functions directly with Panama, wrapping the C functions and writing the C program as follows in Java:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    var file = fopen(args[0], "r");
    var line = gets(file, 1024);

But do we implement the wrapper methods? We start with the FILE* fopen(char* file, char* mode) function which opens a file. Before we can call it, we have to get hold of its MethodHandle:

private static MethodHandle fopen = Linker.nativeLinker().downcallHandle(
        FunctionDescriptor.of(/* return */ ValueLayout.ADDRESS, 
            /* char* file */ ValueLayout.ADDRESS, 
            /* char* mode */ ValueLayout.ADDRESS));

This looks up the fopen symbol in all the libraries that the current process has loaded, asking both the NativeLinker and the SymbolLookup. This code is used in many examples, so we move it into the function lookup:

public static MemorySegment lookup(String symbol) {
    return Linker.nativeLinker().defaultLookup().find(symbol)
                 .or(() -> SymbolLookup.loaderLookup().find(symbol))

The look-up returns the memory address at which the looked-up function is located.

We can proceed with the address of fopen and use it to create a MethodHandle that calls down from the JVM into native code. For this, we also have to specify the descriptor of the function so that the JVM knows how to call the fopen handle properly.

But how do we use this handle? Every handle has an invokeExact function (and an invoke function that allows the JVM to convert data) that we can use. The only problem is that we want to pass strings to the fopen call. We cannot pass the strings directly but instead have to allocate them onto the C heap, copying the chars into a C string:

public static MemorySegment fopen(String filename, String mode) {
    try (var arena = Arena.ofConfined()) {
        return (MemorySegment) fopen.invokeExact(
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException(t);

In JDK 22 allocateUtf8String changes to allocateFrom (thanks Brice Dutheil for spotting this).

We use a confined arena for allocations, which is cleaned after exiting the try-catch. The newly allocated strings are then used to invoke fopen, letting us return the FILE*.

Older tutorials might mention MemorySessions, but they are removed in JDK 21.

After opening the file, we can focus on the char* fgets(char* buffer, int size, FILE* file) function. This function is passed a buffer of a given size, storing the next line from the passed file in the buffer.

Getting a MethodHandle is similar to fopen:

private static MethodHandle fgets = Linker.nativeLinker().downcallHandle(

Only the wrapper method differs because we have to allocate the buffer in the arena:

public static String gets(MemorySegment file, int size) {
    try (var arena = Arena.ofConfined()) {
        var buffer = arena.allocateArray(ValueLayout.JAVA_BYTE, size);
        var ret = (MemorySegment) fgets.invokeExact(buffer, size, file);
        if (ret == MemorySegment.NULL) {
            return null; // error
        return buffer.getUtf8String(0);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException(t);

Finally, we can implement the int fclose(FILE* file) function to close the file:

private static MethodHandle fclose = Linker.nativeLinker().downcallHandle(
        FunctionDescriptor.of(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, ValueLayout.ADDRESS));

public static int fclose(MemorySegment file) {
    try {
        return (int) fclose.invokeExact(file);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

You can find the source code in my panama-examples repository on GitHub (file HelloWorld.java) and run it on a Linux x86_64 machine via

> ./run.sh HelloWorld LICENSE # build and run
                                 Apache License

which prints the first line of the license file.


We didn’t care much about error handling here, but sometimes, we want to know precisely why a C function failed. Luckily, the C standard library on Linux and other Unixes has errno:

Several standard library functions indicate errors by writing positive integers to errno.

CPP Reference

On error, fopen returns a null pointer and sets errno. You can find information on all the possible error numbers on the man page for the open function.

We only have to have a way to obtain the errno directly after a call, we have to capture the call state and declare the capture-call-state option in the creation of the MethodHandle for fopen:

try (var arena = Arena.ofConfined()) {
    // declare the errno as state to be captured, 
    // directly after the downcall without any interence of the
    // JVM runtime
    StructLayout capturedStateLayout = Linker.Option.captureStateLayout();
    VarHandle errnoHandle = 
    Linker.Option ccs = Linker.Option.captureCallState("errno");

    MethodHandle fopen = Linker.nativeLinker().downcallHandle(
            FunctionDescriptor.of(POINTER, POINTER, POINTER), 

    MemorySegment capturedState = arena.allocate(capturedStateLayout);
    try {
        // reading a non-existent file, this will set the errno
        MemorySegment result = 
            (MemorySegment) fopen.invoke(capturedState,
                // for our example we pick a file that doesn't exist
                // this ensures a proper error number
        int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState);
        return result;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

To convert this error number into a string, we can use the char* strerror(int errno) function:

// returned char* require this specific type
static AddressLayout POINTER = 
static MethodHandle strerror = Linker.nativeLinker()

static String errnoString(int errno){
    try {
        MemorySegment str = 
            (MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno);
        return str.getUtf8String(0);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException(t);

When we then print the error string in our example after the fopen call, we get:

No such file or directory 

This is as expected, as we hard-coded a non-existent file in the fopen call.


Creating all the MethodHandles manually can be pretty tedious and error-prone. JExtract can parse header files, generating MethodHandles and more automatically. You can download jextract on the project page.

For our example, I wrote a small wrapper around jextract that automatically downloads the latest version and calls it on the misc/headers.h file to create MethodHandles in the class Lib. The headers file includes all the necessary headers to run examples:

#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

For example the fgets function, jextract generates as an entry point the following:

public static MethodHandle fopen$MH() {
    return RuntimeHelper.requireNonNull(constants$48.const$0,"fopen");
 * {@snippet :
 * FILE* fopen(char* __filename, char* __modes);
 * }
public static MemorySegment fopen(MemorySegment __filename, MemorySegment __modes) {
    var mh$ = fopen$MH();
    try {
        return (java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment)mh$.invokeExact(__filename, __modes);
    } catch (Throwable ex$) {
        throw new AssertionError("should not reach here", ex$);

Of course, we still have to take care of the string allocation in our wrapper, but this wrapper gets significantly smaller:

public static MemorySegment fopen(String filename, String mode) {
    try (var arena = Arena.ofConfined()) {
        // using the MethodHandle that has been generated 
        // by jextract
        return Lib.fopen( 

You can find the example code in the GitHub repository in the file HelloWorldJExtract.java. I integrated jextract via a wrapper directly into the Maven build process, so just mvn package to run the tool.

More Information

There are many other resources on Project Panama, but be aware that they might be dated. Therefore, I recommend reading JEP 454, which describes the newly introduced API in great detail. Additionally, the talk “The Panama Dojo: Black Belt Programming with Java 21 and the FFM API” by Per Minborg at this year’s Devoxx Belgium is a great introduction:

As well as the talk by Maurizio Cimadamore at this year’s JVMLS:


Project Panama greatly simplifies interfacing with existing native libraries. I hope it will gain traction after leaving the preview state with the upcoming JDK 22, but it should already be stable enough for small experiments and side projects.

I hope my introduction gave you a glimpse into Panama; as always, I’m happy for any comments, and I’ll see you next week(ish) for the start of a new blog series.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. Thank you to my colleague Martin Dörr, who helped me with Panama and ported Panama to PowerPC.

Profiling Maven Projects with my IntelliJ Profiler Plugin

Or: I just released version 0.0.11 with a cool new feature that I can’t wait to tell you about…

According to the recent JetBrains survey, most people use Maven as their build system and build Spring Boot applications with Java. Yet my profiling plugin for IntelliJ only supports profiling pure Java run configuration. Configurations where the JVM gets passed the main class to run. This is great for tiny examples where you directly right-click on the main method and profile the whole application using the context menu:

But this is not great when you’re using the Maven build system and usually run your application using the exec goal, or, god forbid, use Spring Boot or Quarkus-related goals. Support for these goals has been requested multiple times, and last week, I came around to implementing it (while also two other bugs). So now you can profile your Spring Boot, like the Spring pet-clinic, application running with spring-boot:run:

Giving you a profile like:

Or your Quarkus application running with quarkus:dev:

Giving you a profile like:

This works specifically by using the options of these goals, which allows the profiler plugin to pass profiling-specific JVM options. If the plugin doesn’t detect a directly supported plugin, it passes the JVM options via the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable. This should work with the exec goals and others.

Gradle script support has also been requested, but despite searching the whole internet till the night, I didn’t find any way to add JVM options to the JVM that Gradle runs for the Spring Boot or run tasks without modifying the build.gradle file itself (see Baeldung).

I left when it was dark and rode out into the night with my bike. Visiting other lost souls in the pursuit of sweet potato curry.

Only Quarku’s quarkusDev task has the proper options so that I can pass the JVM options. So, for now, I only have basic Quarkus support but nothing else. Maybe one of my readers knows how I could still provide profiling support for non-Quarkus projects.

You can configure the options that the plugin uses for specific task prefixes yourself in the .profileconfig.json file:

    "additionalGradleTargets": [
            // example for Quarkus
            "targetPrefix": "quarkus",
            "optionForVmArgs": "-Djvm.args",
            "description": "Example quarkus config, adding profiling arguments via -Djvm.args option to the Gradle task run"
    "additionalMavenTargets": [
        {   // example for Quarkus
            "targetPrefix": "quarkus:",
            "optionForVmArgs": "-Djvm.args",
            "description": "Example quarkus config, adding profiling arguments via -Djvm.args option to the Maven goal run"

This update has been the first one with new features since April. The new features should make life easier for profiling both real-world and toy applications. If you have any other feature requests, feel free to create an issue on GitHub and, ideally, try to create a pull request. I’m happy to help you get started.

See you next week on some topics I have not yet decided on. I have far more ideas than time…

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. Thanks to the issue reporters and all the other people who tried my plugin.

Finding all used Classes, Methods and Functions of a Python Module

Another blog post in which I use sys.settrace. This time to solve a real problem.

When working with new modules, it is sometimes beneficial to get a glimpse of which entities of a module are actually used. I wrote something comparable in my blog post Instrumenting Java Code to Find and Handle Unused Classes, but this time, I need it in Python and with method-level granularity.


Download trace.py from GitHub and use it to print a call tree and a list of used methods and classes to the error output:

import trace
trace.setup(r"MODULE_REGEX", print_location_=True)


This could be a hard problem, but it isn’t when we’re using sys.settrace to set a handler for every method and function call, reapplying the knowledge we gained in my Let’s create a debugger together series to develop a small utility.

There are essentially six different types of functions (this sample code is on GitHub):

def log(message: str):

class TestClass:
    # static initializer of the class
    x = 100

    def __init__(self):
        # constructor
        log("instance initializer")

    def instance_method(self):
        # instance method, self is bound to an instance
        log("instance method")

    def static_method():
        log("static method")

    def class_method(cls):
        log("class method")

def free_function():
    log("free function")

This is important because we have to handle them differently in the following. But first, let’s define a few helpers and configuration variables:

indent = 0
module_matcher: str = ".*"
print_location: bool = False

We also want to print a method call-tree, so we use indent to track the current indentation level. The module_matcher is the regular expression that we use to determine whether we want to consider a module, its classes, and methods. This could, e.g., be __main__ to only consider the main module. The print_location tells us whether we want to print the path and line location for every element in the call tree.

Now to the main helper class:

def log(message: str):
    print(message, file=sys.stderr)

STATIC_INIT = "<static init>"

class ClassInfo:
    """ Used methods of a class """
    name: str
    used_methods: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)

    def print(self, indent_: str):
        log(indent_ + self.name)
        for method in sorted(self.used_methods):
            log(indent_ + "  " + method)

    def has_only_static_init(self) -> bool:
        return (
                    len(self.used_methods) == 1 and
                    self.used_methods.pop() == STATIC_INIT)

used_classes: Dict[str, ClassInfo] = {}
free_functions: Set[str] = set()

The ClassInfo stores the used methods of a class. We store the ClassInfo instances of used classes and the free function in global variables.

Now to the our call handler that we pass to sys.settrace:

def handler(frame: FrameType, event: str, *args):
    """ Trace handler that prints and tracks called functions """
    # find module name
    module_name: str = mod.__name__ if (
        mod := inspect.getmodule(frame.f_code)) else ""

    # get name of the code object
    func_name = frame.f_code.co_name

    # check that the module matches the define regexp
    if not re.match(module_matcher, module_name):
    # keep indent in sync
    # this is the only reason why we need
    # the return events and use an inner trace handler
    global indent
    if event == 'return':
        indent -= 2
    if event != "call":

    # insert the current function/method
    name = insert_class_or_function(module_name, func_name, frame)

    # print the current location if neccessary
    if print_location:
    # print the current function/method
    log(" " * indent + name)

    # keep the indent in sync
    indent += 2

    # return this as the inner handler to get
    # return events
    return handler

def setup(module_matcher_: str = ".*", print_location_: bool = False):
    # ...

Now, we “only” have to get the name for the code object and collect it properly in either a ClassInfo instance or the set of free functions. The base case is easy: When the current frame contains a local variable self, we probably have an instance method, and when it contains a cls variable, we have a class method.

def insert_class_or_function(module_name: str, func_name: str,
                             frame: FrameType) -> str:
    """ Insert the code object and return the name to print """
    if "self" in frame.f_locals or "cls" in frame.f_locals:
        return insert_class_or_instance_function(module_name,
                                                 func_name, frame)
   # ...

def insert_class_or_instance_function(module_name: str,
                                      func_name: str,
                                      frame: FrameType) -> str:
    Insert the code object of an instance or class function and
    return the name to print
    class_name = ""

    if "self" in frame.f_locals:
        # instance methods
        class_name = frame.f_locals["self"].__class__.__name__

    elif "cls" in frame.f_locals:
        # class method
        class_name = frame.f_locals["cls"].__name__
        # we prefix the class method name with "<class>"
        func_name = "<class>" + func_name
    # add the module name to class name
    class_name = module_name + "." + class_name
    # return the string to print in the class tree
    return class_name + "." + func_name

But how about the other three cases? We use the header line of a method to distinguish between them:

class StaticFunctionType(Enum):
    INIT = 1
    """ static init """
    STATIC = 2
    """ static function """
    FREE = 3
    """ free function, not related to a class """

def get_static_type(code: CodeType) -> StaticFunctionType:
    file_lines = Path(code.co_filename).read_text().split("\n")
    line = code.co_firstlineno
    header_line = file_lines[line - 1]
    if "class " in header_line:
        # e.g. "class TestClass"
        return StaticFunctionType.INIT
    if "@staticmethod" in header_line:
        return StaticFunctionType.STATIC
    return StaticFunctionType.FREE

These are, of course, just approximations, but they work well enough for a small utility used for exploration.

If you know any other way that doesn’t involve using the Python AST, feel free to post in a comment below.

Using the get_static_type function, we can now finish the insert_class_or_function function:

def insert_class_or_function(module_name: str, func_name: str,
                             frame: FrameType) -> str:
    """ Insert the code object and return the name to print """
    if "self" in frame.f_locals or "cls" in frame.f_locals:
        return insert_class_or_instance_function(module_name,
                                                 func_name, frame)
    # get the type of the current code object
    t = get_static_type(frame.f_code)

    if t == StaticFunctionType.INIT:
        # static initializer, the top level class code
        # func_name is actually the class name here,
        # but classes are technically also callable function
        # objects
        class_name = module_name + "." + func_name
        return class_name + "." + STATIC_INIT
    elif t == StaticFunctionType.STATIC:
        # @staticmethod
        # the qualname is in our example TestClass.static_method,
        # so we have to drop the last part of the name to get
        # the class name
        class_name = module_name + "." + frame.f_code.co_qualname[
                                         :-len(func_name) - 1]
        # we prefix static class names with "<static>"
        func_name = "<static>" + func_name
        return class_name + "." + func_name
    return module_name + "." + func_name

The final thing left to do is to register a teardown handler to print the collected information on exit:

def teardown():
    """ Teardown the tracer and print the results """
    log("********** Trace Results **********")

# trigger teardown on exit


We now prefix our sample program from the beginning with

import trace


collect all information for the __main__ module, which is directly passed to the Python interpreter.

We append to our program some code to call all methods/functions:

def all_methods():
    log("all methods")


Our utility library then prints the following upon execution:

standard error:

    __main__.TestClass.<static init>
    ********** Trace Results **********
    Used classes:
      only static init:
      not only static init:
         <static init>
    Free functions:

standard output:

    all methods
    instance initializer
    instance method
    static method
    class method
    free function


This small utility uses the power of sys.settrace (and some string processing) to find a module’s used classes, methods, and functions and the call tree. The utility is pretty helpful when trying to grasp the inner structure of a module and the module entities used transitively by your own application code.

I published this code under the MIT license on GitHub, so feel free to improve, extend, and modify it. Come back in a few weeks to see why I actually developed this utility…

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Custom Events in the Blocky World: Using JFR in Minecraft

Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is one of the main open-source profilers for Java, and the only one built directly into the OpenJDK. You can find an introduction to Java profiling in my InfoQ Unleash the Power of Open-Source Profilers article and additional information and presentation on my Profiling Talks page. Furthermore, I wrote an introduction to custom JFR events: Custom JFR Events: A Short Introduction. JFR and custom events are pretty helpful when profiling applications, this blog post gives you an example from the real world.

I was searching for some JFR-related settings on the internet when I stumbled upon the /jfr command that exists in Minecraft:

This, of course, intrigued me, especially as Minecraft apparently adds some custom JFR events:

So I had to check it out. I downloaded and started the Java server, got a demo account, and connected to my local instance. This works with a demo account when you launch the demo world, enable the cheat mode in the settings, kick yourself via “/kick @p,” and then select your own server. I found this via this bug report.

You then must ensure that you have OP privileges and add them, if not via the Minecraft server shell. Then, you can type /jfr start in the chat (launch it by typing T) to start the recording and /jfr stop to stop it.

You see that it’s my first time “playing” Minecraft, and I’m great at getting attacked. It’s probably also my last time.

Minecraft stores the JFR file in the debug folder in the working directory of your server, both as a JFR file and as a JSON file. You can view the JFR file in a JFR viewer of your choice, like JMC or my IntelliJ JFR plugin (web view of the file, JFR file itself), and explore the custom JFR events:

This lets you get insights into the chunk generation and specific traffic patterns of the Minecraft server.

But what does the event specification look like? We could disassemble the Minecraft JAR and potentially get into legal trouble, or we could just use the jfr utility with its metadata command and get an approximation of the event definition from the JFR metadata:

jfr metadata debug/server-2023-11-17-155349.jfr | \
    grep minecraft --after-context=40

The ChunkGeneration event looks as follows:

@Label("Chunk Generation")
@Category({"Minecraft", "World Generation"})
class ChunkGeneration extends jdk.jfr.Event {
  @Label("Start Time")
  long startTime;

  long duration;

  @Label("Event Thread")
  @Description("Thread in which event was committed in")
  Thread eventThread;

  @Label("Stack Trace")
  @Description("Stack Trace starting from the method the event was committed in")
  StackTrace stackTrace;

  @Label("First Block X World Position")
  int worldPosX;

  @Label("First Block Z World Position")
  int worldPosZ;

  @Label("Chunk X Position")
  int chunkPosX;

  @Label("Chunk Z Position")
  int chunkPosZ;

  String status;

  String level;

You can find all defined events here. The actual implementation of these events is only slightly larger because some events accumulate data over a period of time.

I’m, of course, not the first OpenJDK developer who stumbled upon these custom events. Erik Gahlin even found them shortly after their addition in 2021 and promptly created an issue to recommend improvements (see MC-236873):


In my previous blog post, I showed you how to create custom JFR events for a small sample application. Seeing custom events in Minecraft shows you that custom events are used in the wild by applications used by millions of users, helping developers improve the performance of their applications.

If you’re looking for more information on custom JFR events, I would recommend reading my previous blog post Custom JFR Events: A Short Introduction and Gunnar Morlings Monitoring REST APIs with Custom JDK Flight Recorder Events article. See you in a couple of days with a new blog post on JFR event configuration.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Custom JFR Events: A Short Introduction

JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is one of the two prominent open-source profilers for the OpenJDK (besides async-profiler). It offers many features (see Profiling Talks) and the ability to observe lots of information by recording over one hundred different events. If you want to know more about the existing events, visit my JFR Event Collection website (related blog post):

Besides these built-in events, JFR allows you to implement your events to record custom information directly in your profiling file.

Let’s start with a small example to motivate this. Consider for a moment that we want to run the next big thing after Software-as-a-Service: Math-as-a-Service, a service that provides customers with the freshest Fibonacci numbers and more.

We develop this service using Javalin:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // create a server with 4 threads in the thread pool                                                                               
    Javalin.create(conf -> {                                                  
            conf.jetty.server(() ->                                           
                new Server(new QueuedThreadPool(4))                           
            .get("/fib/{fib}", ctx -> {                                       
                handleRequest(ctx, newSessionId());                           
static void handleRequest(Context ctx, int sessionId) {                       
    int n = Integer.parseInt(ctx.pathParam("fib"));
    // log the current session and n                           
    System.out.printf("Handle session %d n = %d\n", sessionId, n);            
    // compute and return the n-th fibonacci number                                                        
    ctx.result("fibonacci: " + fib(n));                                                                                                 
public static int fib(int n) {                                                
    if (n <= 1) {                                                             
        return n;                                                             
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);                                           

This is a pretty standard tiny web endpoint, minus all the user and session handling. It lets the customer query the n-th Fibonacci number by querying /fib/{n}. Our built-in logging prints n and the session ID on standard out, but what if we want to store it directly in our JFR profile while continuously profiling our application?

This is where custom JFR events come in handy:

public class SessionEvent extends jdk.jfr.Event {
    int sessionId;
    int n;

    public SessionEvent(int sessionId, int n) {
        this.sessionId = sessionId;
        this.n = n;

The custom event class extends the jdk.jfr.Event class and simply define a few fields for the custom data. These fields can be annotated with @Label("Human readable label") and @Description("Longer description") to document them.

We can now use this event class to record the relevant data in the handleRequest method:

static void handleRequest(Context ctx, int sessionId) {            
    int n = Integer.parseInt(ctx.pathParam("fib"));                
    System.out.printf("Handle session %d n = %d\n", sessionId, n);
    // create event 
    var event = new SessionEvent(sessionId, n);
    // add start and stacktrace                   
    ctx.result("fibonacci: " + fib(n));
    // add end and store                          

This small addition records the timing and duration of each request, as well as n and the session ID in the JFR profile. The sample code, including a request generator, can be found on GitHub. After we ran the server, we can view the recorded events in a JFR viewer, like JDK Mission Control or my JFR viewer (online view):

This was my short introduction to custom JFR events; if you want to learn more, I highly recommend Gunnar Morlings Monitoring REST APIs with Custom JDK Flight Recorder Events article. Come back next week for a real-world example of custom JFR events.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: PyData Talk

A small addendum to the previous five parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5).

I gave a talk on this topic, based on my blog posts, at PyData Karlsruhe:

You can find all the source code of the demos here. It was a great pleasure giving this talk, and the audience received it well.

This might be the end of my journey into Python debuggers, but I feel some untold topics are out there. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to comment. See you in my next blog post and possibly at the next Python conference that accepts my talk proposal.

The presentation was part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Tiny Addendum (exec and __name__)

A small addendum to the previous four parts of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4).

I tried the debugger I finished last week on a small sample application for my upcoming talk at the PyData Südwest meet-up, and it failed. The problem is related to running the file passed to the debugger. Consider that we debug the following program:

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

We now set the breakpoint in the main method when starting the debugger and continuing with the execution of the program. The problem: It never hits the breakpoint. But why? Because it never calls the main method.

The cause of this problem is that the __name__ variable is set to dbg2.py (the file containing the code is compiling and running the script). But how do we run the script? We use the following (based on a Real Python article):

_globals = globals().copy()

# ...

class Dbg:
   # ...   
   def run(self, file: Path):
        """ Run a given file with the debugger """
        self._main_file = file
        # see https://realpython.com/python-exec/#using-python-for-configuration-files
        compiled = compile(file.read_text(), filename=str(file), mode='exec')
        sys.breakpointhook = self._breakpoint
        exec(compiled, _globals)

This code uses the compile method to compile the code, telling this method that the file belongs to the program file.

The mode argument specifies what kind of code must be compiled; it can be 'exec' if source consists of a sequence of statements, 'eval' if it consists of a single expression, or 'single' if it consists of a single interactive statement (in the latter case, expression statements that evaluate to something other than None will be printed).

Python Documentation for The Mode Argument of the Compile Method

We then remove the first argument of the program because it is the debugged file in the case of the debugger and run some post-processing on the compiled code object. This is the reason why we can’t just use eval. Finally, we use exec to execute the compiled code with the global variables that we had before creating the Dbg class and others.

The problem is that exec it doesn’t set the import-related module attributes, such as __name__ and __file__ properly. So we have to emulate these by adding global variables:

        exec(compiled, _globals | 
                      {"__name__": "__main__", "__file__": str(file)})

It makes of course sense that exec behaves this way, as it is normally used to evaluate code in the current context.

With this now fixed, it is possible to debug normal applications like the line counter that I use in my upcoming talk at the 16th November in Karlsruhe.

I hope you liked this short addendum and see you next time with a blog post on something more Java-related.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 4 (Python 3.12 edition)

The fourth part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole (part 1, part 2, and part 3).

In this article, we’ll be looking into how changes introduced in Python 3.12 can help us with one of the most significant pain points of our current debugger implementation: The Python interpreter essentially calls our callback at every line of code, regardless if we have a breakpoint in the currently running method. But why is this the case?

Continue reading

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 3 (Refactoring)

This is the necessary third part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole; if you’re new to the series, please take a look at part 1 and part 2 first.

I promised in the last part of this series that I’ll show you how to use the new Python APIs. However, some code refactoring is necessary before I can finally proceed. The implementation in dbg.py mixes the sys.settrace related code and code that can be reused for other debugging implementations. So, this is a short blog post covering the result of the refactoring. The code can be found in dbg2.py.

Continue reading

Who killed the JVM? Attaching a debugger twice

A few weeks back, I told you about on-demand debugging in my Level-up your Java Debugging Skills with on-demand Debugging blog post, enabling you to delay a debugging session till:

  • You gave orders via jcmd (onjcmd=y option), a feature contributed by the SapMachine team
  • the program threw a specific exception (onthrow=<exception>)
  • The program threw an uncaught exception (onuncaught=y)

This is quite useful because the JDWP agent has to do substantial initialization before it can start listening for the attaching debugger:

The triggering event invokes the bulk of the initialization, including creation of threads and monitors, transport setup, and installation of a new event callback which handles the complete set of events.

Comment in JDWP-agent Source Code

Other things, like class loading, were slower with an attached debugger in older JDK versions (see JDK-8227269).

But what happens after you end the debugging session? Is your debugged program aborted, and if not, can you reattach your debugger at a later point in time? The answer is as always: It depends. Or, more precisely: It depends on the remote debugger you’re using and how you terminate the debugging session.

But why should you disconnect and then reattach a debugger? It allows you to not run the debugger during longer ignorable stretches of your application’s execution. The overhead of running the JDWP agent waiting for a connection is minimal compared to the plethora of events sent from the agent to the debugger during a debugging session (like class loading events, see A short primer on Java debugging internals).

Before we cover how to (re)attach a debugger in IDEs, we’ll see how this works on the JDWP/JDI level:

On JVM Level

The JDWP agent does not prevent the debugger from reattaching. There are two ways that Debugging sessions can be closed by the debugger: dispose and exit. Disposing of a connection via the JDWP Dispose command is the least intrusive way. This command is exposed to the debugger in JDI via the VirtualMachine#dispose() method:

Invalidates this virtual machine mirror. The communication channel to the target VM is closed, and the target VM prepares to accept another subsequent connection from this debugger or another debugger, including the following tasks:

Any current method invocations executing in the target VM are continued after the disconnection. Upon completion of any such method invocation, the invoking thread continues from the location where it was originally stopped.

JDI Documentation

This essentially means that disposing of a debugging connection does not prevent the currently debugged application from continuing to run.

The other way is using the exit command, exposed as VirtualMachine#exit(int exitCode):

Causes the mirrored VM to terminate with the given error code. All resources associated with this VirtualMachine are freed. If the mirrored VM is remote, the communication channel to it will be closed.


This, of course, prevents the debugger from reattaching.

Reattaching with IDEs

NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse all support reattaching after ending a debugging session by just creating a new remote debugging session. Be aware that this only works straightforwardly when using remote debugging, as the local debugging UI is usually directly intertwined with the UI for running the application. I would recommend trying remote debugging once in a while, even when debugging on your local machine, to be able to use all the advanced features.

Terminating an Application with IDEs

NetBeans is the only IDE of the three that does not support this (as far as I can ascertain). IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse both support it, with Eclipse having the more straight-forward UI:

If the terminate button is not active, then you might have to tick the Allow termination of remote VM check-box in the remote configuration settings:

IntelliJ IDEA’s UI is, in this instance, arguably less discoverable: To terminate the application, you have to close the specific debugging session tab explicitly.

This then results in a popup that offers you the ability to terminate:


The ability to disconnect and then reattach debuggers is helpful for many complex debugging scenarios and can help you debug faster. Being able to terminate the application directly from the debugger is an additional time saver when working with remote debugging sessions. Both are often overlooked gems of Java debugging, showing once more how versatile the JDWP agent and UI debuggers are.

I hope you enjoyed this addendum to my Level-up your Java Debugging Skills with on-demand Debugging blog post. If you want even more debugging from me, come to my talk on debugging at JUG Karlsruhe on the 7th of November, to the ConFoo conference in Montreal on the 23rd of February, and hopefully, next year a conference or user group near you.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. It was supported by rainy weather and the subsequent afternoon in a cafe in Bratislava:

Loom is just HyperThreading in Java

While sitting in Cay Horstmann‘s “Looming Changes in Java Concurrency” talk at BaselOne, I had an epiphany: Aren’t virtual threads with Loom just a version of HyperThreading on the JVM?

Both try to utilize a computation resource fully, be it hardware core or platform thread, by multiplexing multiple tasks onto it, despite many tasks waiting regularly for IO operations to complete:

When one task waits, another can be scheduled, improving overall throughput. This works especially well when longer IO operations follow short bursts of computation.

There are, of course, differences between the two, most notably: HyperThreading doesn’t need the tasks to cooperate, as Loom does, so a virtual core can’t starve other virtual cores. Also noteworthy is that the scheduler for Hyper-Threading is implemented in silicon and cannot be configured or even changed, while the virtual thread execution can be targeted to one’s needs.

I hope you found this small insight helpful in understanding virtual threads and putting them into context. You can find more about these topics in resources like JEP 444 (Virtual Threads) and the “Hyper-Threading Technology Architecture and Microarchitecture” paper.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Putting JFR into Context

Have you ever wanted to bring your JFR events into context? Adding information on sessions, user IDs, and more can improve your ability to make sense of all the events in your profile. Currently, we can only add context by creating custom JFR events, as I presented in my Profiling Talks:

We can use these custom events (see Custom JFR Events: A Short Introduction and Custom Events in the Blocky World: Using JFR in Minecraft) to store away the information and later relate them to all the other events by using the event’s time, duration, and thread. This works out-of-the-box but has one major problem: Relating events is quite fuzzy, as time stamps are not as accurate (see JFR Timestamps and System.nanoTime), and we do all of this in post-processing.

But couldn’t we just attach some context to every JFR event we’re interested in? Not yet, but Jaroslav Bachorik from DataDog is working on it. Recently, he wrote three blog posts (1, 2, 3). The following is a different take on his idea, showing how to use it in a small file server example.

The main idea of Jaroslav’s approach is to store a context in thread-local memory and attach it to every JFR event as configured. But before I dive into the custom context, I want to show you the example program, which you can find, as always, MIT-licensed on GitHub.


We create a simple file server via Javalin, which allows a user to

  • Register (URL schema register/{user})
  • Store data in a file (store/{user}/{file}/{content})
  • Retrieve file content (load/{user}/{file})
  • Delete files (delete/{user}/{file})

The URLs are simple to use, and we don’t bother about error handling, user authentication, or large files, as this would complicate our example. I leave it as an exercise for the inclined reader. The following is the most essential part of the application: the server declaration:

FileStorage storage = new FileStorage();                                                               
try (Javalin lin = Javalin.create(conf -> {                                                            
            conf.jetty.server(() ->                                                                    
                    new Server(new QueuedThreadPool(4))                                                
        .exception(Exception.class, (e, ctx) -> {                                                      
            ctx.result("Error: " + e.getMessage());                                                    
        .get("/register/{user}", ctx -> {                                                              
            String user = ctx.pathParam("user");                                                       
        .get("/store/{user}/{file}/{content}", ctx -> {                                                
            String user = ctx.pathParam("user");                                                       
            String file = ctx.pathParam("file");                                                       
            storage.store(user, file, ctx.pathParam("content"));                                       
        .get("/load/{user}/{file}", ctx -> {                                                           
            String user = ctx.pathParam("user");                                                       
            String file = ctx.pathParam("file");                                                       
            ctx.result(storage.load(user, file));                                                      
        .get("/delete/{user}/{file}", ctx -> {                                                         
            String user = ctx.pathParam("user");                                                       
            String file = ctx.pathParam("file");                                                       
            storage.delete(user, file);                                                                
        })) {                                                                                          
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {                                                               

This example runs on Jaroslav’s OpenJDK fork (commit 6ea2b4f), so if you want to run it in its complete form, please build the fork and make sure that you’re PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables are set accordingly.

You can build the server using mvn package and
start it, listening on the port 1000, via:

java -jar target/jfr-context-example.jar 1000

You can then use it via your browser or curl:

# start the server
java -XX:StartFlightRecording=filename=flight.jfr,settings=config.jfc \
-jar target/jfr-context-example.jar 1000 &

# register a user
curl http://localhost:1000/register/moe

# store a file
curl http://localhost:1000/store/moe/hello_file/Hello

# load the file
curl http://localhost:1000/load/moe/hello_file
-> Hello

# delete the file
curl http://localhost:1000/delete/moe/hello_file

kill $pid

# this results in the flight.jfr file

To make testing easier, I created the test.sh script, which starts the server, registers a few users and stores, loads, and deletes a few files, creating a JFR file along the way. We're using a custom JFR configuration to enable the IO events without any threshold. This is not recommended for production but is required in our toy example to get any such event:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<configuration version="2.0" label="Custom" description="Custom config for the example"
  provider="Johannes Bechberger">
    <event name="jdk.FileRead" withContext="true">
        <setting name="enabled">true</setting>
        <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>
        <setting name="threshold" control="file-threshold">0 ms</setting>

    <event name="jdk.FileWrite" withContext="true">
        <setting name="enabled">true</setting>
        <setting name="stackTrace">true</setting>
        <setting name="threshold" control="file-threshold">0 ms</setting>

We can use the jfr tool to easily print all the jdk.FileRead events from the created flight.jfr file in JSON format:

jfr print --events jdk.FileRead --json flight.jfr

This prints a list of events like:

  "type": "jdk.FileRead", 
  "values": {
    "startTime": "2023-10-18T14:31:56.369071625+02:00", 
    "duration": "PT0.000013042S", 
    "eventThread": {
      "osName": "qtp2119992687-32", 
    "stackTrace": {
      "truncated": false, 
      "frames": [...]
    "path": "\/var\/folders\/nd\/b8fyk_lx25b1ndyj4kmb2hk403cmxz\/T\/tmp13266469351066000997\/moe\/test_1", 
    "bytesRead": 8, 
    "endOfFile": false

You can find more information on this and other events in my JFR Event Collection:

There are, of course, other events, but in our file server example, we’re only interested in file events for now (this might change as Jaroslav adds more features to his fork).

Now, we can start bringing the events into context.

Adding Custom Context

Before we can add the context, we have to define it, as described in Jaroslav’s blog post. We create a context that stores the current user, action, trace ID, and optional file:

@Description("Tracer context type tuple")
public class TracerContextType extends ContextType implements AutoCloseable {

    private static final AtomicLong traceIdCounter = new AtomicLong(0);

    // attributes are defined as plain public fields annotated by at least @Name annotation
    @Description("Registered user")
    public String user;

    @Description("Action: register, store, load, delete")
    public String action;

    @Description("File if passed")
    public String file;

    // currently no primitives allowed here
    public String traceId;

    public TracerContextType(String user, String action, String file) {
        this.user = user;
        this.action = action;
        this.file = file;
        this.traceId = "" + traceIdCounter.incrementAndGet();

    public TracerContextType(String user, String action) {
        this(user, action,"");

    public void close() throws Exception {

A context has to be set and then later unset, which can be cumbersome in the face of exceptions. Implementing the AutoClosable interface solves this by allowing us to wrap code in a try-with-resources statement:

try (var t = new TracerContextType(/* ... */)) {
    // ...

All JFR events with enabled context that happen in the body of the statement are associated with the TracerContextType instance. We can use the code of all request handlers in our server with such a construct, e.g.:

.get("/store/{user}/{file}/{content}", ctx -> {                 
    String user = ctx.pathParam("user");                        
    String file = ctx.pathParam("file");                        
    try (var t = new TracerContextType(user, "store", file)) {  
        storage.store(user, file, ctx.pathParam("content"));    

One last thing before we can analyze the annotated events: JFR has to know about your context before the recording starts. We do this by creating a registration class registered as a service.

public class TraceContextTypeRegistration implements ContextType.Registration {

    public Stream<Class<? extends ContextType>> types() {
        return Stream.of(TracerContextType.class);

We use the auto-service project by Google to automatically create the required build files (read more in this blog post by Pedro Rijo.

Using the Custom Context

After adding the context, we can see it in the jdk.FileRead events:

  "type": "jdk.FileRead", 
  "values": {
    "startTime": "2023-10-18T14:31:56.369071625+02:00", 
    "duration": "PT0.000013042S", 
    "eventThread": {
      "osName": "qtp2119992687-32", 
    "stackTrace": {
      "truncated": false, 
      "frames": [...]
    "tracer-context_user": "moe", 
    "tracer-context_action": "load", 
    "tracer-context_file": "test_1", 
    "tracer-context_trace": "114", 
    "path": "\/var\/folders\/nd\/b8fyk_lx25b1ndyj4kmb2hk403cmxz\/T\/tmp13266469351066000997\/moe\/test_1", 
    "bytesRead": 8, 
    "endOfFile": false

We clearly see the stored context information (tracer-context_*).

Using the jq tool, we can analyze the events, like calculating how many bytes the server has read for each user:

➜ jfr print --events jdk.FileRead --json flight.jfr |
  jq -r '
    | group_by(.values."tracer-context_user")
    | map({
      user: .[0].values."tracer-context_user",
      bytesRead: (map(.values.bytesRead) | add)
   | map([.user, .bytesRead])
   | ["User", "Bytes Read"]
   , .[]
   | @tsv
User    Bytes Read
bob     80
curly   100
frank   100
joe     80
john    90
larry   100
mary    90
moe     80
sally   100
sue     80

The empty user is for all the bytes read unrelated to any specific user (like class files), which is quite helpful.


This small example is just a glimpse of what is possible with JFR contexts. Jaroslav’s prototypical implementation is still limited; it, e.g., doesn’t support contexts at method sampling events, but it is already a significant improvement over the status quo. I’ll be creating follow-up blog posts as the prototype evolves and matures.

Thanks for coming so far, and see you next week for another blog post and maybe at a meet-up or conference (see Talks).

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

JDWP, onthrow and a mysterious error

In my previous Java-related blog post called Level-up your Java Debugging Skills with on-demand Debugging, I showed you how to use the onthrow option of the JDWP agent to start the debugging session on the first throw of a specific exception. This gave us a mysterious error in JDB:

And I asked if somebody had any ideas. No one had, but I was at Devoxx Belgium and happened to talk with Aleksey Shipilev about it at the Corretto booth:

Two OpenJDK developers having fun at Devoxx: Investigating a jdb bug with Shipilev
in the Coretto booth (Tweet)

We got a rough idea of what was happening, and now that I’m back from Devoxx, I have the time to investigate it properly. But to recap: How can you use the onthrow option and reproduce the bug?


We use a simple example program with throws and catches the exception Ex twice:

public class OnThrowAndJCmd {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Hello world!");
        try {
            throw new Ex("");
        } catch (Ex e) {
        try {
            throw new Ex("");
        } catch (Ex e) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            System.out.print(i + " ");

class Ex extends RuntimeException {
    public Ex(String msg) {

We then use one terminal to run the program with the JDWP agent attached and the other to run JDB:

java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005,onthrow=Ex,launch=exit" src/test/java/OnThrowAndJCmd.java

# in another terminal
jdb -attach 5005

Then JDB prints us the expected error trace:

Exception in thread "event-handler" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference.referenceType()" because the return value of "com.sun.jdi.event.ExceptionEvent.exception()" is null
        at jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.TTY.exceptionEvent(TTY.java:171)
        at jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.EventHandler.exceptionEvent(EventHandler.java:295)
        at jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.EventHandler.handleEvent(EventHandler.java:133)
        at jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.EventHandler.run(EventHandler.java:78)
        at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583)

This might be, and I’m foreshadowing, the reason why IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA don’t support attaching to a JDWP agent with onthrow enabled.

Remember that this issue might be fixed with your current JDK; the bug is reproducible with a JDK build older than the 10th of October.

Update: This bug does not appear in JDK 1.4, but in JDK 1.5 and ever since.

Looking for the culprit

In our preliminary investigation, Aleksey and I realized that JDB was probably not to blame. The problem is that the JDWP-agent sends an exception event after JDB is attached, related to the thrown Ex exception, but this event does not adhere to the specification. The JDWP specification tells us that every exception event contains the following:

intrequestIDRequest that generated event 
threadIDthreadThread with exception
locationlocationLocation of exception throw (or first non-native location after throw if thrown from a native method) 
tagged-objectIDexceptionThrown exception 
locationcatchLocationLocation of catch, or 0 if not caught. An exception is considered to be caught if, at the point of the throw, the current location is dynamically enclosed in a try statement that handles the exception. […]

So clearly, none of the properties should be null in our case. Exception events are written in the writeExceptionEvent method of the JDWP agent. We can modify this method to print all accessed exception fields and check that the problem really is related to the agent. For good measure, we also tell JDB to get notified of all other triggered Ex exceptions (> catch Ex), so we can obtain the printed information for the initial and the second exception:

Exception event: 
    thread: 0x0
    clazz: 0x0
    method: 0x0
    location: 0
    object: 0x0
    catch_clazz: 0x0
    catch_method: 0x0
    catch_location: 0
Exception event: 
    thread: 0x12b50fb02
    clazz: 0x12b50fb0a
    method: 0x12b188290
    location: 36
    object: 0x12b50fb12
    catch_clazz: 0x12b50fb1a
    catch_method: 0x12b188290
    catch_location: 37

This clearly shows that the exception that started the debugging session was not sent correctly.

How does onthrow work?

When the JDWP agent starts, it registers a JVMTI Exception event callback called cbEarlyException via SetEventCallBacks:

void JNICALL Exception(
  jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
  JNIEnv* jni_env, 
  jthread thread,
  jmethodID method, 
  jlocation location, 
  jobject exception, 
  jmethodID catch_method, 
  jlocation catch_location)

Exception events are generated whenever an exception is first detected in a Java programming language method.

JVMTI Documentation

On every exception, this handler checks if the exception has the name passed to the onthrow option. If the exception matches, then the agent initializes the debugging session:

The only problem here is that cbEarlyException is passed all the exception information but doesn’t pass it to the initialize method. This causes the JDWP-agent to send out an Exception event with all fields being null, as you saw in the previous section.

Fixing the bug

Now that we know exactly what went wrong, we can create an issue in the official JDK Bug System (JDK-8317920). Then, we can fix it by creating the event in the cbEarlyException handler itself and passing it to the new opt_info parameter of the initialize method (see GitHub):

static void JNICALL
cbEarlyException(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env, JNIEnv *env,
        jthread thread, jmethodID method, jlocation location,
        jobject exception,
        jmethodID catch_method, jlocation catch_location)
    // ...
    EventInfo info;
    info.ei = EI_EXCEPTION;
    info.thread = thread;
    info.clazz = JNI_FUNC_PTR(env,GetObjectClass)(env, exception);
    info.method = method;
    info.location = location;
    info.object = exception;
    if (gdata->vthreadsSupported) {
        info.is_vthread = isVThread(thread);
    info.u.exception.catch_clazz = getMethodClass(jvmti_env, catch_method);
    info.u.exception.catch_method = catch_method;
    info.u.exception.catch_location = catch_location;
    // ... // check if exception matches
    initialize(env, thread, EI_EXCEPTION, &info);
    // ...

The related Pull Request on GitHub is #16145. It will hopefully be merged soon. The last time someone reported and fixed an issue related to the onthrow option was in early 2002, so it is the first change in more than 20 years. The issue was about onthrow requiring the launch option to be present.

It works (even with your IDE)

With this fix in place, it works. JDB even selects the main thread as the current thread:

➜ jdb -attach 5005
Set uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Set deferred uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Initializing jdb ...
Exception occurred: Ex (to be caught at: OnThrowAndJCmd.main(), line=7 bci=18)"thread=main", OnThrowAndJCmd.main(), line=6 bci=17


But does fixing this issue also mean that IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA now support attaching to agents with onthrow enabled? Yes, at least if we set a breakpoint somewhere after the first exception has been thrown (like with the onjcmd option):


Collaborating with other people from different companies in an Open-Source project is great. Aleksey found the bug interesting enough to spend half an hour looking into it with me, which persuaded me to look into it again after returning from Devoxx. Fixing these bugs allows users to fully use on-demand debugging, speeding up their error-finding sessions.

I hope you liked this walk down the rabbit hole. See you next week with another article on debugging or my trip to Devoxx trip (or both). Feel free to ask any questions or to suggest new article ideas.

I’ll be giving a few talks on debugging this autumn; you can find specifics on my Talks page. I’m happy to speak on your meet-up or user group; just let me know.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone.

Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 2

The second part of my journey down the Python debugger rabbit hole.

In this blog post, we extend and fix the debugger we created in part 1: We add the capability to

  • single step over code, stepping over lines, into function calls, and out of functions,
  • and adding conditions to breakpoints.

You can find the resulting MIT-licensed code on GitHub in the python-dbg repository in the file dbg.py. I added a README so you can glance at how to use it.

Continue reading

Level-up your Java Debugging Skills with on-demand Debugging

Debugging is one of the most common tasks in software development, so one would assume that all features of debuggers have ample coverage in tutorials and guides. Yet there are three hidden gems of the Java Debugging (JDWP) agent that allow you to delay the start of the debugging session till

  • you gave orders via jcmd (onjcmd=y option)
  • the program threw a specific exception (onthrow=<exception>)
  • the program threw an uncaught exception (onuncaught=y)

Before I tell you more about the specific options, I want to start with the basics of how to apply them:

Option Application

When you debug remotely in your IDE (IntelliJ IDEA in my case), the “Debug Configurations” dialog tells you which options you should pass to your remote JVM:

Just append more options by adding them to the -agentlib option, or by setting the _JAVA_JDWP_OPTIONS environment variable, which is comma-appended to the options.

All options only work correctly in the server mode (server=y) of the JDWP agent (suspend=y or suspend=n seem to exhibit the same behavior with onjcmd).

I’m now showing you how the three hidden gems work:

JCmd triggered debugging

There are often cases where the code that you want to debug is executed later in your program’s run or after a specific issue appears. So don’t waste time running the debugging session from the start of your program, but use the onjcmd=y option to tell the JDWP agent to wait with the debugging session till it is triggered via jcmd:

 ➜ java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005,onjcmd=y" src/test/java/OnThrowAndJCmd.java &
 ➜ echo $! # get pid
 # wait some time and then start debugging on demand
 ➜ jcmd $! VM.start_java_debugging
jcmd 97145 VM.start_java_debugging
Debugging has been started.
Transport : dt_socket
Address : *:5005

jps is your friend if you want to find the process id of an already running JVM.

I created a sample class in my java-dbg repository on GitHub with a small sample program for this article. To use JCmd triggered with our IDE, we first have to create a remote debug configuration (see previous section); we can then start the sample program in the shell and trigger the start of the debugging session. Then, we start the remote debug configuration in the IDE and debug our program:

A similar feature long existed in the SAPJVM. In 2019 Christoph Langer from SAP decided to add it to the OpenJDK, where it was implemented in JDK 12 and has been there ever since. It is one of the many significant contributions of the SapMachine team.

Disclaimer: I’m part of this magnificent team, albeit not in 2019.

Exception triggered debugging

Far older than jcmd triggered are exception-triggered debugging sessions. There are two types:

  1. The throwing of a specific exception (byte-code or normal name, inner classes with $) can start the debugging session by using onthrow=<exception>. This is especially nice if you want to debug the cause of this specific exception. This feature can easily be used in combination with your favorite IDE.
  2. The existence of an uncaught exception can trigger the start of a debugging session by using onuncaught=y. The debugging context is your outermost main method, but it’s still helpful if you want to inspect the exception or the state of your application. A problem is that you cannot use the debuggers from IntelliJ IDEA or NetBeans to explore the context; you have to use the command line debugger jdb instead.

Due to historical reasons, you also have to supply a command that is executed when the debugging session starts via the launch option, but setting it to exit works just fine.

Using both trigger types is similar to the JCmd triggered debugging:

 ➜ java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005,onthrow=Ex,launch=exit" src/test/java/OnThrowAndJCmd.java
# or
 ➜ java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005,onuncaught=y,launch=exit" src/test/java/OnThrowAndJCmd.java

If you’re okay with using jdb, you can also use the launch option to call a script that starts jdb in a new tmux session, in our case, tmux_jdb.sh:

tmux new-session -d -s jdb -- jdb -attach $2

We run our application using the JDWP agent with the onthrow=Ex,launch=sh tmux_jdb.sh option to start the jdb the first time the Ex exception is thrown and attach to the tmux session:

➜ java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005,onthrow=Ex,launch=sh tmux_jdb.sh" src/test/java/OnThrowAndJCmd.java
# in another console after the exception is thrown
➜ tmux attach -t jdb

Where we can explore the current state of the application:

Debugging a specific exception has never been easier.

jdb and the JDWP on* options aren’t as widely used as graphical debuggers, so you might still find some bugs. I don’t know whether the stack trace in the second-to-last screenshot is a bug. Feel free to comment if you know the answer.

How to discover these features

You can either be like me and just drop into the JDK source and look into the debugInit.c file, the official documentation, or you use help option, which prints the following with JDK 21:

➜ java "-agentlib:jdwp=help"
               Java Debugger JDWP Agent Library

  (See the "VM Invocation Options" section of the JPDA
   "Connection and Invocation Details" document for more information.)

jdwp usage: java -agentlib:jdwp=[help]|[<option>=<value>, ...]

Option Name and Value            Description                       Default
---------------------            -----------                       -------
suspend=y|n                      wait on startup?                  y
transport=<name>                 transport spec                    none
address=<listen/attach address>  transport spec                    ""
server=y|n                       listen for debugger?              n
launch=<command line>            run debugger on event             none
onthrow=<exception name>         debug on throw                    none
onuncaught=y|n                   debug on any uncaught?            n
onjcmd=y|n                       start debug via jcmd?             n
timeout=<timeout value>          for listen/attach in milliseconds n
includevirtualthreads=y|n        List of all threads includes virtual threads as well as platform threads.
mutf8=y|n                        output modified utf-8             n
quiet=y|n                        control over terminal messages    n

Obsolete Options

  - Using sockets connect to a debugger at a specific address:
    java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:8000 ...
  - Using sockets listen for a debugger to attach:
    java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y ...

  - A timeout value of 0 (the default) is no timeout.

  - The older -Xrunjdwp interface can still be used, but will be removed in
    a future release, for example:
        java -Xrunjdwp:[help]|[<option>=<value>, ...]

Of course, this only gives you a glance at the options, so reading the source code still revealed much of what I had before.


Hidden gems are everywhere in the Java ecosystem, even in widely used tools like debugging agents. Especially onthrow and onjcmd can improve the performance of on-demand debugging, as this allows us to trigger the start of the debugging session from outside the debugger.

I hope you can apply your newly gained knowledge the next time you have a complex problem to debug. Still curious about debugging? Come back next week for another blog post.

This article is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling and debugging easier for everyone. Thanks to Thomas Darimont, with whom I discovered the hidden features while preparing for my talks on Java Debugging. I wrote this article on the train to Devoxx Belgium.

Report of my trip to JavaZone and northern Germany

Between 2nd and 17th September, I gave three talks in three different cities:

I traveled from Karlsruhe to Oslo (via Stuttgart Airport) and from Oslo to Hanover via plane, then to Hamburg, Hanover, back to Hamburg, and the end via Bonn back to Karlsruhe via train:

This was my first time traveling to a conference by plane because traveling to Oslo by train takes far longer (20 hours or more).

This was my second two-week-long tour giving talks, after my tour d’Europe in May/June this year (see Report of my small Tour d’Europe), but this time it consisted solely of talks at conferences. The following is a short report of my trip that saw me brewing beer, giving a talk at one of my favorite conferences, and visiting Hamburg for the first time.


I started by traveling to Oslo on Saturday before the conference, which began on Tuesday with workshops. My journey started with the 2:30 am bus from Karlsruhe to Stuttgart, where I took the 6:30 am flight to Paris and from there to Oslo. Flying in the early hours of the morning is something extraordinary:

I’ve never really been to Oslo before, except as a toddler, according to my parents, so I wanted to explore the city. I arrived in Oslo Saturday afternoon and stayed till Tuesday morning at the home of a friendly expat that I met via the couch-surfing platform BeBelcome.org, staying there till Tuesday morning. It was great: I had the opportunity to visit the famous Fram Polar Exploration Museum, hike around the Vettakollen, and brew beer with my host:


Then, on Tuesday, it was time for the workshop day of JavaZone. I’ve been drawn to this conference since I got introduced to their conference trailers in my first semester at university:

So, speaking, there was a great honor; I can recommend this experience to anyone. It is a lovely venue with good food and great organizers who care about their speakers (shout out to Felix Rabe, Rafael Winterhalter, and Marek Machnik).

I started the conference by attending the “A little taste of testing the Java compiler” workshop by Hasnae Rehioui:

Hasnae Rehioui, in her workshop

If you want to start with building the OpenJDK and running JTREG tests, her accompanying website is an excellent place to start.

At the end of the day, I went to the speaker dinner, where I met the organizers and people like Fabian Stäber and Gunnar Morling. The view from the restaurant was majestic:

Then, the next day, the conference began. The conference paid for the hotel during the week. I met Pasha Finkelshtein and Marit van Dijk from JetBrains at the breakfast buffet. I was that day in many talks, including the Maven Puzzlers talk by Andres Almiray and Ixchel Ruiz:

The day ended with eating with a few of my fellow speakers and going to the AweZone party at Himkok bar, but only after a musical performance by Mr. Orkester:

What a great way to inform all JavaZone participants of the looming AweZone event.

The next day was full of talks, including mine and eating great food. I now understand why some people call JavaZone affectionately FoodZone, with all the food served all day. My talk was in the first slot at 9:00 am; I was amazed that around 150 people turned up to attend it after the long night at the bar:

Thank you to Inna Belyantseva for the great Math-as-a-Service logo and valuable feedback on my presentation style in the weeks before the conference.

Later in the day, I went to Theresa Mammarella’s talk on CVEs:

I was introduced to her the evening before, and it was great to see the only other young JDK developer (in her case, OpenJ9) on stage.

In the evening, I ate dinner with a couple of my fellow speakers, including Marit van Dijk, Rustam Mehmandarov, Gerrit Grunwald, Raquel Pau, Tim te Beek, Steve Poole, Alina Yurenko, Theresa Mammarella, Mads Opheim and Ko Turk. Afterward, we went to Himkok bar to relax after two days at the conference:

The next day was my last in Oslo before moving to northern Germany. So I took the chance to explore the city center once more and made a photograph of the speaker’s gift:

A Viking duke in front of the Oslo Stock Exchange

I had to say goodbye to Oslo and then traveled to Hamburg via Hanover Airport to stay with a friend in Hamburg.


The problem was that JavaZone pays the hotel till Friday, and the speaker dinner for Java Forum Nord is Monday evening. I knew someone in Hamburg, so I stayed in Hamburg from Friday night till Monday afternoon. I used the time to look into Python debugging, which eventually resulted in my Let’s create a Python Debugger together: Part 1 blog post, went sightseeing, watched the dark comedy Sophia, der Tod und Ich, and visited the Hamburger Miniaturwunderland:

While there, I had the pleasure of traveling with light luggage, as my luggage didn’t arrive in Hamburg till Wednesday because it was somehow stuck in Amsterdam airport, where I had a stopover.

Java Forum Nord

The second conference on my journey was the Java Forum Nord in Hanover on Tuesday. This conference is a small community-run event, without many sponsors and many talks in German. It was my first German Java conference, so there were many German-only speakers that I hadn’t seen at a conference before. I met a few of them at the speaker’s dinner on Monday and at the after-party on Tuesday:

Speakers’ dinner with alcohol-free beer and Spätzle in Hanover

I enjoyed meeting Marit van Dijk again and getting to know Sandra Parsick and Karl Heinz Marbaise.

The day after, I traveled back to Hamburg for the code.talks conference.


This was the third conference in a row and the only one without a focus on Java. The talks were on various technologies, from NFTs to creativity. The most memorable of the conference was by far the speaker’s dinner at the open kitchen restaurant Hensslers Küche and visiting the Heavens Bar & Kitchen rooftop bar in St. Pauli with Jacqueline Franßen, Hannes Drittler, and Samir Ar after the second day of the conference:

While there, I also started preparing an upcoming talk for JCon World with Marit van Dijk and had an online meeting with Jaroslav Bachorik and Erik Österlund on the future of my JEP, so stay tuned.

I traveled back to Karlsruhe via Bonn, where I met a good friend and attended a Haydn concert in the Kreuzkirche, closing the eventful two weeks cooking flammkuchen together with her and one of her new flatmates.


Giving three talks at conferences in a row was an experience I’m grateful for. Talking with many new and old acquaintances was, at times, taxing, yet definitely worthwhile. Especially JavaZone was a conference I never dreamt of being able to speak at.

I’m looking forward to giving many more in the future and happy that the SapMachine team at SAP allows me to do so and fully supports me in my endeavors.

If you want to attend one of my talks, just come to Devoxx Belgium, BaselOne, or J-Fall, where I’ll speak this autumn. You can find all the meet-ups and conferences that I’ve confirmed on my Talks page. I’m happy to talk at your meet-up or conference; just ask me.

This project is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone.

C2 might slow down your builds

At the JavaForumNord two weeks ago, I had a friendly chat with Karl Heinz Marbaise (Chairman of the Apache Maven Project), where he mentioned that he wanted to start profiling maven. This sounded interesting, so I started looking into the performance and bottlenecks of maven. I began by using the Maven build of maven itself as a starting point (excluding the tests). The following is my first observation related to maven builds in CIs.

Maven is one of the most used build systems in the Java ecosystem (JetBrains 2022 survey), and many projects, especially open-source projects, use GitHub Actions to create artifacts and run tests automatically. The free tier of GitHub Actions has two cores (see GitHub docs), so we only have limited parallelism compared to the usual developer machines.

Maven uses the Plexus compiler wrapper Java API around the javax.tools.JavaCompiler API to compile every Java file. The underlying JVM then essentially has three tasks running while compiling:

  • Maven main thread that does the compilation
  • Garbage Collection thread for memory management
  • JIT compilation thread to compile the maven byte code (it’s getting meta), enabling it to run faster (see Mastering the Art of Controlling the JIT: Unlocking Reproducible Profiler Tests for more information). Especially the C2 compiler takes some time. This is our example in a shared thread with the GC.

Small builds

This is problematic on short builds (like building maven itself in 30s), as the C2 JIT does cost a significant amount of cpu-time, more than is saved by the faster execution of the jitted code. The maven self-built, for example, spent more than half of its cpu-time in the C2 compiler:

Maven 4 (f24266eb64) was built with maven 3.8.7 on SapMachine and profiled with async-profiler; click to view the full flame graph

We can use the information by async-profiler to get the cpu-time proportions for significant parts of the built:

Partcpu-time percentagesamples
Launcher.main38 %3200
C2Compiler::compile_method47 %4000
Compiler::compile_method (C1 compiler)8 %650

The whole maven build took 44s (82s cpu-time) on two cores of my ThreadRipper 3995WX. Compare this to a run with a disabled C2 which took 41s (50s cpu-time):

Maven 4 (f24266eb64) built with maven 3.8.7 on SapMachine and MVN_OPTS="-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1" (but stopping at a higher C1 level is unusual, see dzone) profiled with async-profiler, click to view the full flame graph

The proportions are as expected:

Partcpu-time percentagesamples
Launcher.main71 %3700
C2Compiler::compile_method0 %0
Compiler::compile_method (C1 compiler)14 %750

The time to complete the task changes only by 3s, but the CPU time and, by proxy, the energy use drops significantly. These results are stable over multiple runs with different JDKs.

Side note: Maven only compiles with one thread, compiling with two threads (-T2 option) reduces the build time further by 10 to 15% with C2 and without.

Does this mean that you should always disable C2 in CI builds? No. At a certain project size, the performance increase by the faster, compiled methods outweighs the C2 compilation costs.

Large builds

Take, for example, quarkus: A clean build on two cores runs for 430s (710s cpu-time) with C2 enabled:

Quarkus (af4208a05e) built with maven 3.8.8 on SapMachine and ./mvnd -Dquickly

The runtime proportions are less skewed in the direction of C2:

Partcpu-time percentagesamples
MavenWrapperMain.main45 %39200
C2Compiler::compile_method30 %26200
Compiler::compile_method (C1 compiler)2 %1750

The built without C2 runs in comparison for 880s (1000s cpu-time), so it doesn’t make any sense to disable C2 with this build. For completeness, the proportion table:

Partcpu-time percentagesamples
MavenWrapperMain.main57 %52700
C2Compiler::compile_method0 %0
Compiler::compile_method (C1 compiler)7 %6150


Disabling C2 can be an option to speed up builds of smaller Java applications in CI systems, mainly when restricted to one or two CPU cores. I would recommend exploring this for every maven build that runs under a minute, as it is not too hard to integrate (MVN_OPTS="-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1"), yet might result in less CPU usage. Preliminary findings also show that it reduces memory usage. But my findings also show that it is not helpful for large builds.

I hope you enjoyed this explorative blog post in the realm of JIT compilation. It’s preliminary research; maybe if there’s enough interest, I can do a more thorough investigation. See you in my next blog post on debugging, which should be ready by the end of this week.

Additional Literature: I would recommend reading Startup, containers & Tiered Compilation by Jean-Philippe Bempel if you want to get another take on the impact of C2 on startup time in constrained environments.

This project is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone. Thank you to Francesco Nigro for the idea to check whether disabling the JIT improves the build times.